Jazmine: I've had bags under my eyes for the last decade, what's new?

Venus: I'm only a little gay for my best friend.

Zia: how you say, shut up before I kill you?

Rain: I had to give up sewing once because I lost about half my body's weight in blood from stabbing my fingers.

Jazmine: what's it called when you have the hots for a guy you can't have? My whole life.

Venus: I may look like a cinnamon roll but I will hurt you.

Zia: I will hit you with a chair if you don't stop talking to me.

Rain: no it's just my goal in life to be handsome and forgotten.


Zia: *gets a paper cut* OW!! SON OF A BI-

Jazmine: TRACY!! *gestures wildly towards Hamburger, Erin, Skylar and Luke* CHILDREN!!

Zia: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiscuit... Son of a biscuit... that's it

Jazmine: nice save.

Zia: yeah. Fucking nailed it.

Jazmine: *face palms*


Venus: *imitating Jazmine*

Rain and Zia: *laughing*

Rain and Zia: *suddenly stop laughing and stare behind Venus*

Venus: she's right behind me isn't she?

Jazmine: *arms crossed, standing behind Venus* yup.

Venus: Mo- I mean JAZMINE!!!


The difference between Jazmine and Zia:

Jazmine: *internally screaming*

Zia: *externally screaming*


Zia: *setting a book on the desk* okay imma try to go an hour without singing Hamilton.

*2 minutes into important research*

Zia: gods why do I do this to myself. 

*heart starts beating to the rhythm of My Shot*

Zia: oh lord I have a problem.


Venus: *approaches the pearly gates of Heaven* ah finally Heaven at last.

Zia: *sticks head through the gates* AH IF IT ISN'T VENUS DOVE-

Venus: *screams*


Rain: let's see how this goes *presses shuffle*

iPod: I saved every letter you wrote me-

Rain: NO IT IS NOT TEARS TIME NEXT!! *presses skip*

iPod: Stay aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....



Rain: ARE YOU KIDDING ME, NEXTTTTT *presses skip*

iPod: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine

Rain: please I'm begging you-

iPod: there are ten things you need to know.

Rain: NYEHH *yeets phone out the door*


Jazmine: okay, I've got a box. We're going to put everything we hate in the box. 

Rain: can I put Zia in the box?

Jazmine: no you may not put Zia in the box.

Venus: can I put Zia in the box?



Zia: can I put Zia in the box?

Jazmine: *face palms*


Rain: some side effects of listening to Hamilton include:

Rain: crying,

Zia: getting emotionally attached to the Founding Fathers,

Rain: can't listen to any other music genre,

Zia: it runs through your mind NON-STOP

Rain: and you can't stop talking about it.

Jazmine: ...

Jazmine: why do you two listen to this?

Zia: see above reasons.


Rain: making my way downtown

Rain: walking fast

Zia: *in the distance* HEY HOW ABOUT YOUR AOD BOOK-

Rain: walking faster



Jazmine: you shot em in the side, yes he yields!!

Venus: I'm satisfied.

Zia: I'll never be satisfied. Shoot him again.


Jazmine: Venus I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room.

Venus: Rain?

Rain: hm?

Venus: move your ass I'm trying to get to the mirror.


Zia: *phone rings*

Jazmine: *looks at phone to see who's calling* HA you still call your father daddy?

Zia: *answers the phone, staring into Jazmine's soul*

Zia: hey Lukas.

Jazmine: *chokes on her drink*


Zia: hey Jaz are you free tomorrow night?

Jazmine: yeah.

Zia: *turns to Shadow* and what about you, mon ami?

Shadow: yeah I'm free.

Zia: GREAT! Because I'm not, but you two enjoy your date *walks out*



Jazmine: ...did she just?


Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Rain

Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: Venus, Jazmine

Looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll: Venus

Looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you: Jazmine

Sinnamon roll: Zia

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