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Juzo was antsy, tossing and turning, trying to go back to sleep. It was 4 AM, and he was getting discharged today. He rolled over on his side just as his nurse walked in.
"Hey," she started, sounding like a mother hen. "Are you okay? Did the pain meds wear off? I can give you some more in-" She checked her watch. "15 minutes."
"No, I'm fine." Said Juzo harshly. "Sorry, I'm just excited to get discharged today and I can't sleep very well."
"Oh, okay! Congrats on being discharged!"
The nurse walked out of the room, giving Juzo some room to think.
He was excited to get out, but from what Kyosuke had said, Chisa was still pretty mad. Juzo didn't want to be right back in the hospital after getting out.
He figured that Kyosuke had said something to Chisa that would keep her away, but not for forever. 
You're strong, Juzo thought to himself.  All you have to do is protect yourself, and you'll be fine.  He still felt uneasy, but most of the feelings had subsided.  He was mostly relieved.  He had finally stopped the killing games by doing one of the hardest things he'd ever done.  And, the guy he liked had reciprocated.  He was pretty proud of himself.

That thought echoed through his head as he slowly fell asleep.  The killing games are over...  The killing games are over... The killing games are over...

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