Chapter 4: Lets Hang Out Today.

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***Jai's P.O.V.***

When I woke up, I had a massive headache.. I guess I was thinking too much about what I wanted last night. I decided to go to Bee's house... so I can apologize for last night. When I knocked on her door, her mum answered. "Hi Jai. Beunka is in her room." She said smiling at me. Bee always told me that her mum liked us together. "Thanks Ms. Nunez." I said as I ran upstairs to Beunka's room. I knocked slowly. "Bee?" I walked in slowly. She was sitting by the window... with dry tears stains on her face. I hate seeing girls cry.. especially if I caused the tears. "Jai... what are you doing here?" She asked as fresh tears came down her face. "Bee.. I wanted to come to apologize." She just stared at her feet. "I promise you... I don't love Miranda anymore. I love you.... and only you." I feel like I was telling the truth.. but I also felt like I was lying. I do love Bee, I really do.... But I also still love Miranda. "Jai...Do you mean that?" Bee asked as she walked up to me. No. "Yes. I mean it." I put my arms around her waist. She then got on her tippy-toes and kissed me. A few sparks were there.. but still not as much as I felt with Miranda..... When we released from the kissed we just stood there and smiled at each other. "Lets hang out today." I said. "Maybe tonight. My mom is going to work later and I have to take care of Miya." Miya was Beunka's 5 year old sister. "Jai!!!" Miya yelled as she was running towards me. I picked her up. "Hey Miya!" Miya always had a crush on me. I thought it was adorable.. but Beunka thought differently. "Miya.. Can you leave Jai and I for a moment?" Miya just nodded and ran out of Beunka's room. I grabbed both of Bee's hands. "Well... is our date still on tonight?" Bee smiled and nodded. "Well I gotta go. I'll see you tonight beautiful." I said as I kissed her cheek. I then walked out of the house and just.. walked.

***Miranda's P.O.V.***

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I sat up and saw pancakes, bacon and Peyton on the end of the bed. "Good morning." He said as he tried to get closer to me. I got tensed and back up. "Baby I'm sorry... I was angry.. I just.. didn't know what came over me." I stayed silent. His hand reached for my face. I didn't back away this time. He stroked the bruise on my cheek. I flinched. "Di-Did I leave that on you...?" Peyton asked with tears in his eyes. I looked down and nodded. Peyton started to cry. "Baby.. I'm so sorry." I got out of the bed and hugged him. "Peyton.. it's okay, but... we just need some time to ourselves. Let's just spend the whole day away from each other." I sniffled and nodded. I then started to get ready for today. I straighten my hair, put on a little bit of makeup, put on a summer looking shirt, and some converse. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door. "I love you Miranda." Peyton mumbled. I sighed and walked out of the hotel room. What if Jai was right? If he hit me once... he'll do it again.... I wasn't sure if I loved Peyton anymore.. I just went for a walk. So many questions went through my mind. I was walking down the sidewalk when a little girl and a mom came up to me. "Oh my gosh! You're Miranda Martinez!!!" She said jumping up and down. I chuckled. I knelled down to her level. "And what's your name?" I asked smiling. "B-Becca." She wouldn't stop smiling. "Becca. That's a pretty name. How old are you?" "6." She stook out a little book. "Can you signed this for me?" she asked sweetly. "I would love too!" Her mom handed me a pen. I said what I wrote out loud. "Stay beautiful Becca! Love, Miranda Martinez." I put little hearts around the little note. "Her you go sweetie!" I said giving back her little book. She then wrapped her little arms around me. I giggled. "Can I have a picture with you and my daughter please?" asked Becca's mom as she pulled out her phone. "Sure." She snapped a picture. "Can you take a picture of me and Becca on my phone? I love posting pictures of me and my fans." She nodded. While the mom was taking a picture, she started laughing. I then heard a laugh behind me. It was Jai. "I photo bombed your photo!" Jai said laughing. "Oh my gosh!! You're Jai Waetford!!" Yelled Becca running up to him and hugging him. He knelled to Becca's level. "Well aren't you a little cutie!" Becca blushed. "C-Can you sign this for me?" Becca asked handing him the book."I would love too!" Jai read what he wrote out loud. "To Becca with all my love! -Jai Waetford" Becca was fangirling. "Can I have a picture with you guys with my daughter?" Jai and I nodded. We were both at Becca's level. "Love it!" said the mom. "Hey Becca, lets make a silly face!" Jai said like he was her age. Jai always loved kids. I loved that about him... Jai made a duck face, Becca stook out her tongue, and I made a duck face with a peace sign. We took that photo on Jai's phone. "Come on Becca, we're gonna be late for your friends party!" said Becca's mom. Becca made a sad face and nodded. "Bye Jai. Bye Miranda." She said giving us a hug. "Bye sweet girl!" I said smiling. "Bye cutie." Jai gave her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled and ran to her mom. "She was so sweet." I said as I watch Becca walk away. "Yeah. She was adorable." Jai said. "So what are you doing out here?" He asked looking at me. "Just getting away from Peyton." His face turned worry. "Did he hurt you again?" I shook my head. "No. He ordered my favorite breakfast for me and tried to apologize. I just told him that we need to stay away from each other today." Jai nodded. "What are you doing?" I asked. We both just started to walk. "Waiting for 5 o'clock." "What's at 5?" I asked. "5 is when I have to go home so I can get ready for my umm... date tonight." Jai scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh." There was a silent between us. "Hey... remember the first day I met you?" Jai asked chuckling. I started laughing. "Yeah. You ran into me and knocked me down. I had a bruise on the back of my head!" We both laughed. We just talked about old times that we had with each other. It was a fun time. 5 o'clock finally hit. "Shit I gotta go." Jai said looking at his watch. "Yeah, me too." Jai started to run off. "See ya later Miranda!!!" I laughed at his goofiness. When I got back to the hotel, I heard the T.V. "We are back with E! News. As you can see in the picture behind me is a picture of Jai Waetford, a little girl, and Miranda Martinez. They were both spotted taking pictures with this little girl in Campbelltown, Australia earlier today. After the little girl left, the two famous teenagers were spotted and hanging out together. Walking, laughing and just catching up." The then showed a picture of me laughing, and Jai looking at me and smiling. "Look at this picture that we took. Jai looking at Miranda while she is laughing uncontrollably. Is that a look of love or friendship? We posted it on Twitter and asked for your opinion.. and here they are. It says 84% Love and 12% friendship. Will there be a new couple in town? Will Miranda leave Peyton for the fabulous Jai? Well... we'll all find out soon. I'm Sierra with E! News." It then went to commercial. Peyton looked at me with tears in his eyes. "You're gonna leave me for him?" I couldn't answer that... I knew what I wanted now... and it wasn't Peyton.... "Peyton..." He got up angrily. "I knew it you worthless slut!!!!" He then punched me in the face... Great, another bruise that I have to cover up. I was now on the floor crying. "Pe-Peyton... We're over!" I cried. He then picked me up by the hair. I cried in pain. "We aren't over until I say we're over!! I cried. He then dropped me on the floor like....... like I was nothing. When Peyton went to bed. I snuck out and went to Sophia's room. "Miranda? What's wrong? What happened to your face?" I went passed her and went to her phone and dialed the police. I wasn't about to go through all of this again.... "Hello police. This is Miranda Martinez. It is I promise. I need you to please come arrest my abusive boyfriend. Please! I'm at the Campbelltown hotel. Room 489! Please hurry!" I then hung up. "What the hell is going on?!" Sophia asked. "Peyton abused me. He gave me the bruise on my cheek and another bruise on my eye." I cried. Sophia hugged me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her. "Because I knew that you would beat the lights out of him." We both started to laugh. I waited for the police outside the my door.. I couldn't go in there... I was scared. When I wasn't paying attention I was dragged into room 489....... "You called the police on me?! Big mistake Miranda." He then started to walk towards me... I kept backing away with every step he took. "I did love you Miranda.. I really did. But boy do you know how to push it!" He then tackled me to the floor. I felt pain in my shoulder. He then started to hit me. It didn't really last long because the police burst through the door. "Get off of her!!!!" Said one of the polices. Dannii came running to my side. "Sweetie are you alright?!" I didn't answer her. I just cried in her arms. I looked over and saw Peyton being but in handcuffs. All of this was Déjà vu for me...... I cried even more. Stuff like this always happens to me.......

A/N: I can't believe that Peyton got arrested!! That fool deserves it!!!!! (Not a hater towards Peyton, this is only a story!) Thanks for reading!! xxxx

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]Where stories live. Discover now