V- Gisaengs

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Chapter five- Gisaengs

"Are you alright?" She asked with worried eyes.

They were still in that small corner near the gisaeng quarters, and she had an apologetic look across her face as she observed how startled the young man was.

Prince Yeon nodded slowly, moving a few inches away from the young girl when he realized how close they were to each other.

He faked a cough as he looked back at her and observed her frame. She looked completely different from the way she did that afternoon; she wore a different dress and her hair was tucked inside a wig, making her look more mature.

"How did you know who I was running away from?" Prince Yeon questioned, giving the young girl a quizzical look.

The young lady gave him a glance that resembled something in between  shock and embarrassment, scratching her nape as she thought of what to answer next.

"Well, you see....I saw you from the roof." She answered, uncertainly.

Prince Yeon gave the girl a confused look after hearing her say those words.

"Pardon?" He asked, his forehead creasing as his eyebrows furrowed.

The two of them were currently walking to the back gate of the pleasure house, after having made sure that the men from earlier were already gone. 

"I was sitting on the roof when I saw you running inside the pleasure house and then I recognized you from what happened earlier at the market place. " She said, embarrassed, hiding her face in her hands.

"The roof? Why were you sitting on the roof?" He asked her with a brow raised, now extremely curious.

"Alright, before you think that I am strange, I have a valid excuse. I was running away from a drunken gentleman who was asking me to marry him and what better place to hide than the roof?" She defended with her arms crossed.

Prince Yeon erupted into a peal of laughter at her explanation, which made the young maiden laugh as well. 

He couldn't help but stare at her as she laughed; the way the lines wrinkled beneath her eyes reminded him of someone he knew, but he couldn't pinpoint who. Maybe that's what made her look so familiar. It made him curious.

She shifted her eyes to the side when she saw that he was looking at her, and he averted his gaze just as quickly.

"Uhh, we're here." The young woman said. She pointed at the gate and looked back at Prince Yeon who was trailing behind her.

"Just go straight along the road until you reach a well-lit area with 6 post lamps. To your left, you will find the market place." She explained and he nodded.

"Thank you for your help, my Lady." He started, however, he noticed that she flinched at the way he addressed her.

"You shouldn't call me 'Lady'." She said, looking down at the floor. 

"I don't see why not, but all right then, what shall I call you?" Prince Yeon asked, giving her a toothy smile.

The young woman tapped her fingers against her chin and furrowed her eyebrows, pretending to be thinking deeply. Her face suddenly lit up and she looked up at Prince Yeon with a beaming expression.

"You shall call me 'yeppeun'¹!" She exclaimed and he laughed, shaking his head.

"I'm not fond of lying but I'll humor you, yeppeun. I'll be off now, take care." He gave her a chuckle before turning around and walking away from her. However, he stopped when he heard her voice from behind him.

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