IX- Pavilions

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Chapter nine- Pavilions

"Ya, yeppeun! You're looking up too much! Do I have to paste your chin down to your neck??"

Eun-jung gave Prince Yeon a scowl after hearing another one of his constant complaints. They were inside one of the rooms of the pleasure house, after Master Bo-rim kicked them out after an hour of failing to put up with their non-stop bickering.

When Master Bo-rim told Eun-jung that this job wasn't going to be easy, she didn't think he meant it like this. Despite her good first impression of Lord Yeon, working with him was a pain in the neck, literally. How churlish he was, indeed.

Eun-jung looked down abruptly in annoyance, and focused on trying to keep her head still.

"Hey! Why are you crossing your eyes??" Prince Yeon asked frantically, almost slamming down his paintbrush.

"I'm trying to focus on keeping my head down so you don't have to complain anymore! When will you ever stop with your usele-

"Wait.. Wait a minute, can you do that again?" Prince Yeon cut her off, tilting his head to the side as if trying to pinpoint something.

"Do what? What are you even trying to say now?" Eun-jung asked in an exasperated manner, as if she was ready to give up.

"Cross your eyes again." He said with furrowed brows, his eyes filled with curiosity. She gave him a weird look, but fulfilled his request.

"This is so weird..you look so familiar, I feel like you remind me of someone I know..." Prince Yeon mumbled, scratching his head. He looked at her intently, narrowing his eyes.

Eun-jung huffed loudly, blowing stray hairs away from her eyes, ignoring his mad mumblings. 

"You know what I think? I think we need a break. We're both going to go insane. I'm going for a walk." Eun-jung said, standing up.

Prince Yeon quickly dropped his brush and stood up, tailing behind her.

"Ya! Let me go with you! Ya!!!" He yelled quickly, picking up the sides of his robes to prevent himself from tripping, as he followed behind her in a rush.


Eun-jung walked briskly, trying to lose sight of the young Lord. However, he had incredibly long strides, and before she knew it, he was right at her heels.

He walked beside her with his hands crossed behind his head, eyes smiling wider than his grin.

She looked at his face and grinned as well, shaking her head at his expression. However, she suddenly stopped abruptly when she remembered her true purpose for spending time with him.

She cannot trust this man. She cannot smile genuinely at him, she cannot allow him to warm her heart, in any way. He was potentially dangerous; to her, to her ideals, and to their plans.

"You alright?" Prince Yeon asked, opening one eye and raising a brow at her.

She quickly flashed him a smile and only realized then that they were already near the chain of pavilions where a bunch of courtesans sat with young lords. They stared at Eun-jung and Prince Yeon as the two passed by, and the young prince tilted his head to the side slightly, wondering what seemed so interesting about them.

He noticed Eun-jung's pace quicken, so he followed from behind her, quickening his pace as well.

"Ya, yeppeun, why were those people looking at us like that?" He asked once he caught up with her.

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