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            hyejin stare at the horizon, at the sleeping sun slowly waking up from its slumber, then to the man standing beside her, handsome face bathing in orange and golden hues. 'ethereal'.

as the sun smiled the first time that day, hyejin can't help but be thankful. see feel blessed, being able to start another day with donghyuck beside her, with the man she loves beside her. 'blessing.'

the love she have for donghyuck didn't fade, even years passed by, it still remain inside her, like a tatoo deep beneath her heart.

unfortunately, she can't see herself in the future, marrying a man that isn't donghyuck. it's been years yet here she is, holding unto their promises, the plans they created for the future they'll be spending together.

and unfortunately, all of those will remain as plans.

"man, ang ganda." donghyuck commented with hyejin nodding in agreement, both snapping pictures of the wonderful horizon infront them.

for the past few months, lady luck have been on hyejin's side. slowly, she's making a progress, getting closer and closer to donghyuck. slowly knowing him better as they make up for the time they lost.

was it even a good thing? hyejin doesn't know — or maybe she does, and she's choosing to turn a blind eye to the reality. the reality that the more time she spend with the guy, she'll fell deeper and deeper with no way of escaping from the hole called feelings.

"donghyuck..." she lowly called getting the guy's attention. he hummed in recognition before turning his phone off to look at the girl beside him.

a ghost smile hover over lips as his gaze fell on hyejin, she's beautiful she always had been and after four years, she grew more beautiful, her features become more defined, she grew graceful and ethereal. donghyuck sometimes can't believe he once dated such beauty.

but ofcourse, it isn't just the beauty. it's also what makes hyejin as a person. the beauty resting inside her.

if donghyuck was asked if hyejin changed he would certainly answer with yes, she change in an awfully good way. if she's already kind, the girl grew even kinder, sweet, caring and understanding. and donghyuck knew why, why he's receiving such undivided love and attention.

it's because hyejin still loves him.

and here he is, uncertain and utter mess.

"hyuck..." she called again, now tilting her head to meet his eyes, "I still love you." she confess with a smile.

and right there, donghyuck think his heart stopped for a moment. breath caught in his throat, no words seem to come out.

"I just think I need to remind you." she added, still smiling sweetly. "you don't have to respond or anything nor you have to mind it." she trailed off, now averting her gaze back to the view infront them, "I just want to tell you."

"hyejin...." donghyuck trailed off, voice sounding so low, the hesitation even the trouble he's feeling lace in his voice.

"you don't really have to answer hyuck." she chuckle making donghyuck purse his lips.

"hindi naman kasi tama kung hindi kita bibigyan ng sagot.." he sighed, but before he could open his mouth to speak another word, hyejin beat him to it.

"then donghyuck let me ask you.." she started, smiling sweetly as she look at him dead in the eye, "do you still love me?"

then silence.

his heartbeat began to boost with every second, the way those words roll from her lips never fail to make donghyuck's heart flutter yet he's still stuck. uncertain.

hyejin chuckle after noting his silence. her heart beat in unexplained speed after asking such bold and risky question, and she regretted it the moment she said it.

now she's stuck with more thoughts after donghyuck's silence.

was it a no? a yes? the hell, it was just silence and unreadable expression.

"that's why I told you not to give any answer." she chuckle and all donghyuck did is look down, hands clench tightly as million thoughts crowd his mind. 'fuck.'

"tara na?" she softly called to the guy, holding his clench fist into hers and the warmth she's emitting was enough to snap donghyuck back to reality.

he smile softly, nodding ever so lightly as he entwine his hand with hers as they walk back to his car.

odd enough, donghyuck calmed down a little, now thoughts reduced to two. first his relationship with hyejin and second, his friendship with izumi.

he mentally chuckle bitterly, 'why do things have to be complicated as fuck?'

same hyuck,
same. bakit nga
ba? huhu ano na?

PLAY BACK. l, donghyuckTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon