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November 2, 2011:  My Lunch With Benny

Abed sat, peacefully munching on his chicken fingers, in the front passenger seat of Jeff's car. It was Wednesday, and such was his weekly tradition. His quiet crunching was soon interrupted, however. The door beside him opened without warning- startling him- almost causing him to drop the tray of tater tots balanced in his lap.

Benny ducked into the driver's seat beside him in a huff.

"Hey, Benny," Abed muttered through a mouthful of chicken.

"Don't 'hey, Benny' me," she grumbled, her arms crossed angrily. "I haven't seen you in almost two weeks, why are you avoiding me?"

Confusion covering his face, Abed replied, "Your father said we weren't allowed to see each other ever again."

"We're not children anymore, Abed, we don't have to listen to everything he says," Benny retorted with a scoff.

"I just didn't want you to get into trouble with him," Abed explained.

With a sigh, Benny reached to grab one of Abed's tater tots. She took a moment to thoughtfully chew before replying, "It's fine. I just can't have you over the house again, is all. As long as we see each other away from there, I should be able to trick him into thinking I'm with someone else."

"Ooh," Abed chirped, excitedly, "Can we pull as Mrs. Doubtfire and I can dress up as a delightful, elderly, British woman who comes over to take care of you so I can still visit you at home?"

"My dad's old but I don't think he's senile enough to fall for that," Benny laughed, looking at Abed with loving eyes. She had missed him and his devious schemes. "Maybe one day when he's had more time to forget about the Halloween fiasco."

A smile growing on his face, Abed replied, "Cool. Cool cool cool."

"Now hug me, you idiot. I missed you," Benny teased, pulling him closer towards her over the center console.

"I missed you too," Abed hummed, burying his face in her green hair and taking in the luxurious scent of her off brand shampoo. As his hands found their way around her waist, he began to toy with the fabric of her sweater, bunching it between his fingers. With a delighted sigh, he whispered, "You're so soft."

Pulling away, Benny asked, "Are you talking to me or my sweater?"

"Both," Abed quipped, kissing her gently. 

"If you two are done making out in my car, I'd like it back now. Thanks," Jeff grumbled from outside the car, tapping on the window impatiently. 

"Alright, alright, we're leaving," Benny grunted, flashing Abed a smile.

The pair walked back towards the school, hand in hand, discussing life, tv, and movies- just as they always had.

**** Idk of this chapter is even good. It's short af. I wrote it in a half hour. I did not edit it whatsoever. Will I regret this later? Mayhaps. Oh well. C'est la vie. Kiss my ass. ****

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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