17 Waiting For You

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Sarawat’s POV **

I submitted my project today to our team leader. I’ve worked my ass off for this and completed it a week ago so I can do some shopping for my baby and can pack my bags. Ugghh I am over excited right now can’t wait for this to over.

Matt : “Hey sarawat the boss is calling you.”

Sarawat : “I’ll be there in a minute.” I closed the laptop and walked towards boss’s cabin and knocked the door.

Wilson: “Come in.” As I walked in he looked at me and smiled, “Ah Mr. Sarawat.” I smiled back and nodded.

Wilson: “So how was your experience working here so far?”

Sarawat : “It’s been great sir, I have learnt a lot here with great guidance.” He nodded.

Wilson: “Would you like to continue working here then?” Oh hell no I thought to myself.

Sarawat : “Thank you for the opportunity sir but I believe my true calling is in back home, I would like to work there in future.”

Wilson: “I appreciate your decision but you can always come back here if you want.”

Sarawat : “Thank you sir.”

Wilson: “So you’ve submitted your final work already right?”

Sarawat : “Yes sir I handed it over to Mr. Smith this morning.”

Wilson: “That’s great, well if you want to you can fly back home now any time you want.”

Sarawat : “Wh.. what? But there’s still a week left of my internship?”

Wilson: “Yes you’re right but since you’ve decided not to work here afterwards and you already submitted your final work, so I think you can now go back anytime you want. I’ll get your papers ready by the end of the day or else you want to say for another week you’re more than welcome.”

Sarawat : “No. I mean yes thank you sir I’d like to leave as soon as possible if you allow me.” I said trying to keep a professional face on but my heart is doing summersaults and happy dance right now.

Wilson: “Well that’s settled then, I’ll talk to Smith and then you can go whenever you want.” He said with a smile.

Sarawat : “Thank you sir, I’d take your leave now.” He nodded.

When I walked out of that office I felt freedom for the first time in last 3 months. I can go back now there’s nothing holing me back, that very thought made me feel like crying this feeling is so overwhelming. I should call tine and tell him, I grabbed my phone and was about to call him but then I didn’t.

Once he gave me a surprise a month ago and now it’s my turn. I want to see his reaction. God can’t wait when is the day is going to end.

**Time Skipped**

I collected my documents and said goodbyes to everyone I really made good friends here and I am really going to miss them all.

Emily : “Give tine my love.” I nodded and gave her a smile.

Sarawat : “I will he really admires you.”

Matt : “Yeah give tine love form me too bro.” He said with a wink.

Sarawat : “Hell No.” I gave him I’ll kill you look and we all laughed.

Steve : “Take care buddy will miss you around.” I said my bye to them and headed towards home.

I booked the earliest flight I get and texted Man and Boss to inform them that I am coming home; they’ve been true support all that time. They always looked after tine and been there with us through thick and thin. I asked them to help me with the surprise and of course not to tell tine at any cost.

As soon as I reached home I called tine like our routine, I can see how exhausted he is right now with all the work and stuff going on.

**Video Call**

Tine : “The only good thing is it’s going to end soon, I don’t know if I can finish it before time. I am so tired already and I need a hug right now.”

Sarawat : “Aww don’t worry when I’ll come back I give you a big hug.” I said with the constant smile on my face even when he’s whining about his problems I couldn’t help but smile.

Tine : “You look awfully happy today what happened?” he asked narrowing his eyes.

Sarawat : ‘Nothing baby I am just happy to see you.” Smooth salaleo.

Tine : “Okay I got to go now or I’ll be late.”

Sarawat : “Wait uhh, tomorrow I can’t call you in the morning because I have an early morning meeting.”

Tine : “Umm okay but you’ll call in the evening right?” he asked pouting cutely that made me smile.

Sarawat : “Yes my nuisance I will.”

Tine : “Ok take care of yourself and don’t forget to eat before you go.” I nodded and we disconnected the call.

**Video Call Ends**

I looked at the watch and realize I have to leave in 2 hours as soon as we disconnected I rushed through all the packing that I need to do, after packing my bags I ordered food in meantime I took the quickest shower in the history and by the time I got ready my dinner arrived.

I ate my dinner and called the cab for the airport and finally took off from the beautiful city that gave me my life’s best valentine’s day, a great future opportunity, knowledge that can help me grow and three new people I can call friends, I am more than grateful for everything that happened here and now It’s time to say goodbye.

I got on the plane for an 18 hours long journey but I couldn’t care less because these 18 hours will be the last hours of suffering without my family, friends and my nuisance.

**Landed in Thailand**

I saw Boss and Man wait for me at the airport. I can’t believe what I am about to say but.

Sarawat : “I missed your stupid faces.” They both laughed and gave me a warm hug.

Man : “Let’s go to my place you need to rest a little first.”

Sarawat : “No first I need to see tine then I’ll rest, Where is he?.”

Boss : “In the office maybe.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

Sarawat : “What do you mean by maybe? Call Fong and ask him.” He nodded and called Fong.

Boss : “Yup in the office, let’s go.”

I put my luggage in the car and we headed towards his office directly. As soon as I reached the place Man called Fong again to know where tine is and he said he’s in the cafeteria for a break. I walked towards cafe and saw him sitting there alone with a cup of coffee. He looked so sad my poor baby.

He lift his phone up and started typing something, I got a ping on mine phone. He texted me I couldn’t help but smile.


I am missing you salaleo. 🙁😣

I am missing you so damn much baby.💕💝

**Text ends**

I can see him smile sadly while reading my text. "I can’t tell you how bad I want to come and hug you right now baby but please wait till you get home because if I get to hug you right now you're not going to work anymore today and I want to be patient like you've been all this time. I'll wait for you to come home." I walked out of the place.

Man : “Let’s go home now.”

Sarawat : “Yeah Let’s go home now.” I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed the second key of tine and mine place and said. “My Home.”

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