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I woke up and looked around then saw Axel sleeping not wanting to disturb him i jumped down and walked out the door. I had no idea where i was going but i was hungry so i went downstairs to the kitchen. I got a stool and climbed it to get to the cookies but i was too short i pouted and went back to sleep.


''Bubbba bubba'' i cried i was alone in the dark and monsters could come get me ''bubba'' i run but have no idea where to go then i bump into something hard i look up and see step daddy and momma.


I wake up when i hear screaming and shouting jumping out of bed i follow the cries to the living room and see the little fella thrashing around in his sleep. I pick him up and rock him ''shhh it's okay bud'' his cries turn to whimpers ''can you tell me your name little guy?'' ''Taylor'' ''sorry about your nightmare buddy how about you come sleep with me?'' he nods his head and nuzzles into my chest.

The next morning i woke up and Taylor was laying on my chest sucking his thumb, man he even has a cute name. I picked him up and went downstairs to find the guys eating breakfast already ''couldn't you even wait for me'' ''didn't want to disturb you seems like you got your hands full already'' Blaire joked and pointed to Taylor''oh, by the his name is Taylor'' ''sweet now we got a name for the munchkin'' Axel smiled as he put his dish in the sink.

I was sitting on the couch working on my laptop while i watched Taylor who seemed more interested in the remote than the show playing ''Taylor buddy watch the show instead of trying to take apart the ...'' i was interupted by the door bell before i could get up to answer Taylor was sprinting to the door to open it ''Taylor don't go opening the door for strange...' infront of me stood Alexi ''Axel your uncles here'' yelling i picked up Taylor and walked away to the kitchen.


I was still having fun with Brittney when i heard Damon yell Axel your uncles here'' '' fuck he wasn't supposed to come for another month'' i quickly put on my clothes ''stay here and be quiet'' i commanded Brittney

''Uncle what a pleasant surprise'' he forced a smile. He was supposed to come next month but "your credit card company called and said you spent two hundred dollars on baby stuff now mind telling me what the hell is going on'' he snapped '' you see......''i was cut off by giggling coming from the kitchen i looked at my uncle and smiled, this was gonna be a long day.


So thank you all for voting and reading my stories.

I'M at school right now but i will try and publish more chapters.

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