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We have been walking around the mall and have so far gotten diapers, bottles, pacifiers, ordered a crib and got some baby clothes, toys and things to decorate his room, the little guy didn't have anything to wear so he is wearing Blaire's old high school hoodie which looks like a dress on his tiny frame.

We had to go to five stores but the little guy fell asleep after three, after walking around for a little more i got hungry ''let's eat'' i suggested ''sure we are all tired and i could go for a bite plus we have to feed the baby'' Axel said as he cooed at him ''we need to figure out his name soon we can't just keep calling him'the baby' i sighed in frustration as we sat down at on of the tabled in the food court.

''Whose gonna order and whose gonna stay back and watch the little fella?'' i asked while looking around the table and it seemed everyone had the same idea cause we all yelled ''NOT IT'' unfortunately i draw the short straw so me and Axel had to go get the food leaving the kid with Adam and Blaire ''lucky bastards'' i mumble and walk away.


A few minutes after Axel and Damon went to get the food the little guy moved around in my arms and woke up, he was looking around as if searching for someone but when he didn't see them tears welled in his eyes indicating he was about to cry and i didn't know what to do. Adam who sat next to me on his phone saw me panicking and he quickly took the child in his arms and bounced him in his lap making the kid stop crying and start laughing ''hey buddy don't cry food will be here soon'' Adam shushed him and then he spoke ''bubba?'' shocking both of us.

It sounded more like a question ''bubba?bubba?bubba?'' he said repeatedly and we had no idea what to do, but like the angels we all believe them to be Axel and Damon finally arrived with the food. ''So instead of double burger i got you a triple and Adam i got yo.....''bubba'' the kid said interupting Damon making grabby hands at him as he stood their shocked ''oh now i get it he wants his bubba'' Adam mocked and pointed at Damon laughing as he held his stomach but it made sense so i handed the kid to Damon.

The kid sat in Damon's lap as he ate his nuggets as it was the softest food we could find on short notice soon later he fell asleep. ''So what are we gonna do about him?'' i asked as i finished loading the groceries into the trunk?'' ''keep him of course'' Axel said like it was the most obvious thing thing in the world ''yeah, you can't make the little guy go into foster care those bitches are ruthless and going to the cops is out of question'' Adam said. ''SO to be clear were fine with raising the kid?'' Axel clarified ''YEAH'' we both yelled causing the kid to stir ''we should first find out his name we can't fucking call him baby forever'' i said ''and no more cursing or smoking around the kid especially'' i added while shooting a glare at Damon.

''Okay, now here's the question everyone is thinking but wont ask'' ''what's your uncle gonna say when he sees we've spent over two hundred dollars on baby stuff?'' i asked Axel and his eyes widened in realisation ''start planning my funeral'' he sighed.


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