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'' Dada catch me'' Taylor laughed as Damon and Axel chased him around the compound. Two weeks have passed since the visit to the doctor Taylor was doing better and getting healthier though he still suffered from delayed growth and three days ago he had an attack which scared the hell out of us but luckily he pulled through.

I started dating this chick from the gang she is one of the snippers we have been going out for two months and today i want to introduce her to the guys.


I and Axel were chasing Taylor around the garden he is such a happy kid though i sometimes wonder if he needs more feminine attention. Like the other night when Alexi came over with his ever so long hair, as he was carrying him Taylor pulled his shirt down and literally sucked his nipple thinking there was milk and when they wasn't he threw a fit till i gave him a bottle.

I made my way down the hall to Damon's room and stoped in my tacks when i heard moaning coming from inside. Quietly i opened the door and saw Damon jerking off ''seriously; horny fucker'' i chuckled and closed the door. Okay so i'm straight, Blaire's bi and Damon's gay, i went to check on Taylor and found him sound a sleep in his crib sucking on his pacifier. ''so adorable'' i mumbled stroking his hair watching him sleep. I headed to the kitchen to start on dinner, tonight we are finally gonna meet Blaire's girl.

We sat round the table chatting and laughing ,Candice is a nice girl and we all like her ''okay , so i'm about to shoot the target when he calls me to ask which colour looks better on him cause he was going to the movies'' everyone burst into a fit of giggles.

I hadn't realised i had forgotten to feed Taylor he was silent the whole night. Looking over at him in his high chair i saw him watching us tears streaming down his face but he never made a sound, Damon seemed to have picked up on the tension and immediately picked him out of the high chair and held the crying toddler to his chest.

''Shh, baby boy i'm sorry we forgot about you again we were selfish stop crying or you'll get sick'' Damon said bouncing Taylor but his cries only worsened.

I don't know why but i had a gut feeling this was something more going on. With Taylor you have to be attentive or else you can't know what's going on with him like right now. Suddenly his cries died down ''oh my, i thought the damn kid wouldn't shut up'' Candice sighed ''uh guys i think he's passed out'' Damon exclaimed holding a limp Taylor in his arms ''oh shit'' i can't believe he was having an asthma attack and we didn't notice for all we know he could be in a coma.

''Hospital. NOW'' i roared i'm angry with myself because i failed him once again and neglected him, i was pissed that none of us realised what was going on with him until it was too late. I feel like i failed him like i failed Jackson.


The three men stood outside Taylor's hospital room worry was dripping out of their every pore. Luke said that this was a stage four attack, the worst kind, it took a huge toll on his fragile boy that he said Taylor may come out of the coma with more issues. Luke came out ''good news is that he's awake his lungs haven't been affected, bad news he has a concussion and can't walk for a few days so no running or vigorous activity for two weeks he's awake now you can go see him''.

Taylor sat on Blaire's lap playing on his phone while Damon stood in the corner talking in harsh whispers ''hu- hungry'' Taylor mumbled reaching out to Damon who immediately took him into his secure hold. Axel and Blaire left to get food from the canteen. It was late when they got back and found Taylor asleep with Damon.


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