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how do you explain the supernatural to someone without sounding utterly insane?

Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased. Erased.

The word repeated itself in her head like a broken record and everytime it felt like a punch in the gut. She sucked in a deep breath and counted, desperately trying not to panic.


She closed her eyes as they burned with tears.


Her chest tightened, a pinful sting in the place where her heart laid.


Her head felt light. She felt like she was spinning on teacups in Disneyland.

But she wasn't. She was stuck in a train station surrounded by gray walls that she's had to watch for what felt like centuries. Sitting next to stranger who she's desperately in love with.

She sucked in a deep breath along with whatever tears were threatening to fall. She couldn't understand how after everything she had been through that there werw still things that managed to surprise her.

"What?" She choked out, her eyes closed just in case any traitorous tears decided to fall out. "I don't- I don't understand. What do you mean erased? How- how does that happen?"

"Um," Stiles started out, not exactly sure on where he should start. "It kind of all started in sophmore year," Stiles told her before he relayed everything him and his friends had lived through for the past couple of years.

Kennedy sat next to him quietly listening to everything he said, she gave him nods every now and then to ackoweldge that she was still listening.

"And now we're here," Stiles finished, he looked over to Kennedy who's eyes were trained to the ground. He squinted his eyes as he attempted to get a read on the girl in front of him but ultimately came up with nothing. "So..." He said cautiously.

Kennedy's eyes snapped over to him. She almost forgot her was there. "Um," she sat up. "So... little shy Scott is a werewolf?" She reiterated, looking over at Stiles for confirmation.

He nodded.

"And a new girl Allison, who's his girlfriend is a werewolf hunter?"

"Was his girlfriend," he corrected. "And her family stopped hunting for werewolfs."

"You guys got generations of hunters to just stop?" She asked in confusion and disbelief.

"Well... no, not exactly. I"

Kennedy shook her head, her face still showing confusion but she continued anyways. "And Lydia Martin is crazy now?"

"She's not crazy!" Stiles said quickly and defensively, making Kennedy raise her eyebrow.

As he noticed Kennedy's look. "She's not... she just finds dead bodies and then screams. She's a banshee."

"Okay," Kennedy said unconvincingly. "So... what are you?" Kennedy askes softly, almost scared of the answer. She wanted to still believe that even after all these years Stiles was still Stiles but after she heard everything, she's not sure what she should believe anymore.

"Human," Stiles stated simply.

Kennedy had let out a small breath of relief. "How'd you manage that?"She asked in curiousity.

"Well.. I was possessed for a bit by an evil fox."

"An evil fox?" Kennedy asked in disbelief. "What possessed you? Swiper?"

Stiles chuckled. "It's called a nogitsune and it was a little more evil than kleptomania. Think more end of the world evil?"

"So like Darth Sidiois evil?"

"Yeah," Stiles nodded. "Wait, did you just make a Star Wars refference?"

Kennedy smiled. "Of course, when we were younger we used to watch them at every sleepover. We even had our own light sabers and would battle it out," Kennedy said as she reminisced over their childhood. "One time, when we were fighting we broke my mom's vase and when she got home we blamed it on my dog JarJar."

Stiles smiled. "Really?"

Kennedy nodded a bright smile on her face. "We also dreased up as Leia and Han one Halloween."

Stiles looked down at his hands, guilt radiated off of him. He really wished he could remember, hearing the stories from her feels so weird. Like he had a whole other life and he had no idea despite being the one to live through it. It's a horrible feeling, like being robbed but instead of materialistic things being stolen, it's parts of your life.

Kennedy watched as he looked down at his hands, his shoulders slouched and face turned into a frown. She wished there was something she could do or say to comfort him but the words seem to be caught in her throat. She smiled as she thought about other memories involving her and Stiles, most of them ending with the two best friend getting lectured by their parents. A thought crossed Kennedy's mind.

"Hey, um you know how you mention that I was...uh," she sucked in a breath. "Erased," she choked out the word in a whisper, her voice thick with emotiom. "What happened to my parents?"

"Oh," Stiles said softly, not expecting that question. He thought about the abandoned house he had lived next to for years. "They... moved away," he told her quietly. "After, uh, my mom died it took a toll on Mrs. Barnes as much as it did for me and my dad. She tried to be there for us as much as she could, they both did but.. uh, my Dad kind of went into a dark place and took his grief out on some people. I remember one time she was over and I was sitting on the stairs as my dad and your mom got into a huge argument. It was really bad, like plates being broken and stuff. Your dad was furious and then next thing I know they were moving," Stiles explained, a frown on his face.

Kennedy's head fell to face the ground. "Oh."

Moved away.

Not in Beacon Hills.


All of it started to hit the young girl, her visions started to blur as her face heated up. She closed her eyes tightly, desperately trying to stop the tears from falling but unlike her other attempts before she failed to stop them this time. Tears rapidly fell down her blotchy cheeks, her body shaked with every wave of tears. She let out a heart wrenching cry, Stiles arms automatically wrapped around her.

Kennedy's first instinct was to pull away, to not let him see her in her most vulnerable state. But had been so long since someone held her as she cried. Hell, its been so long since she had let herself cry. So she gingerly tucked herself further into his warm hold as sobs racked her body.

Stiles arms stayed wrapped around her shaking body, his hand strayed and rubbed her back with every sob. A sense of protectiveness and determination washed over him. He was determined to stop the supernatural from taking anything else from this girl. Determined to get them both the hell out of there.

my poor baby, kennedy is so strong. she's the type of person to try to act very "it is what is is" even though she's struggling inside so for her to break down like this is a lot for her.

ERASED ━ TEEN WOLF | ✓Where stories live. Discover now