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"Barnes! Barnes!" Coach yelled at Kennedy, who's head was rested on her hand. Her eyes fluttered open to show pools of blue filled with waves of confusion.

Kennedy blinked rapidly before she lifted her head up slowly making eye contact with Coach's crazy eyes. A full blown grin lit up her face. "Oh my gosh, Coach!" She brightly greeted.

Coach replyed by giving the young girl an odd look. "Get out of my classroom!"

Kennedy slowly looked at her surroundings, finally noticing she was in a classroom. "Um, okay," she mumbled awkwardly. She slowly got up from the desk and walked towards the door.

"Barnes!" Coach yelled again.

Kennedy spun around to look at him. She tilted her head to the side, silently asking him what he wanted.

Coach picked up the notebook and textbook that was on the desk Kennedy previously occupied. "Your books."

Kennedy's eyes slightly widened, a small breath of disbelief releasing from her mouth. The young girl couldn't help but be confused on what's happening. One second she was in the Wild Hunt and now she's back in a classroom. It was almost like she somehow jumped into an alternative universe. A universe full of what could have been.

Kennedy walked back to Coach, grabbing her books softly from his hands. Her legs were slightly wobbly and she had no idea why but Coach seemed to have taken a notice.

"Are you high?" Coach asked Kennedy, his bug eyes staring deeply into hers.

"I don't think so," Kennedy replied honestly. She really wasn't sure what was going on, maybe she was dreaming? She quickly pinched herself to make sure but nothing happened; no waking up or shifting of reality, just a slight sting in her wrist.

"You don't think so?" Coach asked in disbelief. "What do you mean 'you don't think so'? You're either high or you're not."

Kennedy shook her head softly. "I'm not high."

Coach looked at her closely, to see if she was lying. He gave her a nod once he came to the conclusion that she wasn't. "Good, remember car pipes over crack pipes!"

Kennedy looked at him weirdly. "Okay, Coach," she nodded before turning back towards the door.

"Say nope to dope!" Coach called out one more time as she left the classroom.

Kennedy glanced back at the classroom before shaking her head and moving foward. She walked slowly down the hallway, taking everything in.

"Kennedy?" Scott's voice called out, grabbing Stiles' attention and pulling it away from Lydia.

Kennedy glanced around slowly, her books held tightly against her chest.

"Kennedy," Stiles whispered before him and Scott move towards the young girl.

Kennedy turned around, catching sight at her two best friends. Her blue eyes widened in shock. "You guys remember me?" She asked breathlessly, unbelieving that everything was real.

Scott smiled. "Yeah we do."

Kennedy squealed, she wrapped her arms around the two boys. "I missed you both so much!"

Stiles gripped her waist and burried his face in her neck. "We missed you too," he sighed softly.

Kennedy pulled back, blue eyes wide. "What happened?" She asked curiously. "Did you defeat the Ghost Riders?"

Stiles smirked. "I told you, it's what we do."

Kennedy rolled her eyes before smiling softly, her attention being brought to the two girls standing off to the side.

Scott followed her eye sight. "Oh, Lydia and Malia, this is mine and Stiles's best friend: Kennedy."

Kennedy smiled shyly. "Hi Malia, hi Lydia" she greeted before she focused her attention on the red-head. "I don't know if you remember me but we used to-"

Lydia had quickly cut her off. "I remember you," she told her.

And with those three words a sense of relief overcame Kennedy's body shocking her like lightning. Tears pooled her eyes, "That... feels really good to hear."

Kennedy, Stiles, and Scott stood outside the school chatting. Stiles and Scott both agreeing to drive Kennedy home but first the two wanted to talk to Liam and Mason.

"Okay, so Liam, since you're the new alpha," Stiles started to say to the beta before the beta cut him off.

"I'm not an alpha."

"Right but you know, alpha-in-training."

"Well i'd have to kill an alpha..."

"Liam!" Stiles interrupted, annoyance dripped from his tone. "Since you're taking over, the most important thing you can remember is that: Mason is always gonna be the one to save your ass all the time."

"Not all the time," Scott told them, seemingly offended.

"Most of the time though," Stiles replyed with a smirk. "Which is why," he said before pulling a bat out of his trunk. "I think you're gonna need this."

"Hey!" Kennedy yelled at Stiles. "That's my bat!"

Stiles looked at the bat before looking back at Kennedy, pure disbelief planted on his face. "What?""

Kennedy gave him a look before she repeated herself. "That's my bat. Look," she said before flipping the bat and showing him their scratched initials.

Stiles' jaw dropped in shock. "K.B. plus S.S. Kennedy Barnes plus Stiles Stilinski. How did I never notice that?" He said looking at her.

Kennedy shrugged.

"That must have been your relic," Scott informed, which made the young girl's face scrunch in confusion and look towards Stiles for an explanation.

"Your relic, everyone taken by the hunt ledt behind one thing. It was like a sign that they existed this whole time."

Kennedy nodded. "And my relic was the baseball bat?" She said, looking at Scott who nodded in confirmation.

Stiles smiled as he twirled the bat. "The whole time you were in the Wild Hunt, you were here with us all along. You were here with me, this bat has protected us, you protected us."

Kennedy smiled widely before she took the bat and handed it over to Mason. "And now it's time it protects you two," she said softly.


i'm gonna cry. i can't believe this is over. its done. wow.

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