16 : Kitchen

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Aerin's POV

I woke up and all of my body parts felt sore. My arms, legs and waist. I looked to my right side and he was not there. Last night incident hit me again and tears started to flow down my cheeks again.

I grabbed my phone and messaged my mom. I need to see her.

I got up from the bed and took a shower to wash away all stains from him from my body. I saw some blood trailing down my thighs and washed away into the shower drain and I sobbed once again in the shower.I hate him so much that I'd felt wanna move out from here.


Seonghwa's POV

I woke up and asked Mrs. Nami to take my bag from my room. I knew she needs time to recover from this. Mrs. Nami then went up upstairs and I quickly headed to the bathroom located in the current floor.


Aerin's POV

I put on long sleeves shirt together with long pants to cover the marks on my body. I've already covered the marks on my neck with the foundation hoping that no one would see it.

I heard someone was knocking at the door and I knew it was not Seonghwa. Usually it was Mrs. Nami that would do that.

I walked slowly as the pain still crawled up in my body. I turned the knob and saw Mrs. Nami stood up in front of the room.

"Good morning Aerin" She said and I flashed a small smile.

I didn't want anything to spill out. Not even the maid in this house. I hate this situation. You were sexually forced by a guy and you can't said it to anyone because of you were legally a wife to that stupid damn guy.

"Good morning eonni" I greeted her.

"Seonghwa asked me to get his bag. Can I come in?" She asked and I turned my body to the side letting her in.

Mrs. Nami sensed that Aerin didn't talk much so she asked her how she felt.

After she took Seonghwa's bag and some books, she walked to the door and asked her how she felt.

"Are you alright honey?" Mrs. Nami asked. Worry and sadness flashed on her face. She could see Aerin's puffy and red eyes because of too much crying.

Aerin eyes got teary but she tried to hold it on. She can't crying now. She tired to cry because of that guy.

She nodded slowly.

"I'm fine" but deep down in her heart, she wanna told her she felt terrible.

Mrs. Nami helf Aerin's hand and squished it softly as to give her strength.

"I'll pray that everything will be alright Aerin. You can find me anytime you want to find someone to talk" She said with her soft smiled before left from there.

I slowly closed the door and landing my forehead onto the surface of the door.

How I wish I want to tell someone but I can't


I went to my family's apartment that morning. Mrs. Nami's husband willing to drive me to there and I'm so thankful for that. I reached the apartment and took the lift before reaching my lovely previous home. I felt happy that they didn't moved out from here after I got married to Seonghwa. I knocked on the door and I heard someone's voice from the inside.

The door was opened and it was my dad.

Both of us looking at each other for a while before I greeted him.

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