Chapter Fifteen: The Plan

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(Levi's POV)

Days turned into weeks as we still had little to no information on what exactly happened the day of the attack. My mind was reeling with feelings of anger and rage on the brim of taking control. No matter how many times I argued with Commander Erwin and the rest of the higher ups, it was like they didn't want to even try to find them. More specifically, Emi. I was slowly realizing that my life would never be the same without her sassy comebacks, and incredible smile. I walked through the barracks, my mind lost in thought as out of the corner of my eye I saw LuLu, her familiar jet black hair slipping around a corner. I stopped dead in my tracks as curiosity pulled me to follow her footsteps. I silenced my breathing as I hid behind the corner. Lulu opened a thin wooden door, quickly and quietly closing it behind herself. I tiptoed to the door, placing my ear against the door. "I can't believe no one is worried about this! I mean Eren Jager, Mikasa Ackerman, Emi Toragashi and Armin Arlert were taken! That's a huge problem!" A cadet who I didn't recognize spoke softly yet harshly. My eyes widened, I hadn't realized that anyone besides Emi was missing. Why didn't anyone tell me? "Well we need to do something! I just hope they are all okay!" A petite pale girl with soft blonde hair spoke. I quickly opened the door, the cadets jumping out of their skin as they all stood and saluted me. "S-Sir!" They all mumbled in unison as I sighed, closing the door behind myself. "So...what is the plan?" I asked, leaning against the thin door as I looked at all six of them. "Captain Levi! This isn't what it looks like!" LuLu tried to explain as I held up my hand. "Whatever you all have planned, I want in. Those bastards have something that belongs to me." I stated coldly, images of Emi's sweet smile and alluring body flashed in my mind. "And I fully plan on taking her back." I added as Lulu nodded in agreement. "Something's wrong with all of this. I hadn't heard anything about Eren being taken..or Mikasa." I explained as a tall man with long brown hair, held back by a thin hair tie clenched his fists. "I have a gut feeling, that this has something to do with the Church of the Wall. Did anyone else notice on patrol that they were making more noise then normal?" He asked. The church tended to be a very quite organization of heretics who believed that the fifty meter tall walls that protected us from the titans, were built by a God or multiple Gods. So, for them to be out in the town, preaching was...odd.. "I say we start at the church, see if we can find anything out." The tiny petite girl stated as I nodded in agreement. "I think someone is due a house call." I could feel my rage slowly crawling it's way up my throat as I stood up. "Wait sir.." LuLu grabbed my arm softly. "We need to be careful. We don't know who our enemy is right now. Plus, we can't count those who are missing out just yet." She stated as I nodded. "You're right. She wouldn't go down, not without a hell of a fight first." I pulled the wooden door open, Lulu followed a few steps behind me. "So, What is the plan Captain?" She questioned as I headed towards the entrance of the barracks. "We sneak in. See if we can find any information that will help us." I explained as she nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me." She stated as I smirked. Don't worry Cadet, We're coming for you.

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