Chapter Eighteen: A Deal

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(Emi's POV)

         "I have a few questions to ask you..Kami." I muttered, my eyes never leaving hers as I was still in shock. She shrugged as her neck, wrists and ankles had chains around them, only allowing her to move so far. "Fine, If I'm interested in answering them I will." She stated as she walked over to a miniature bolder. She jumped up and draped her body along the top as she looked at me upside down. I had no idea who this mysterious woman was. I didn't even know if she was a woman. "Who are you?" I asked her, a few moments of silence drug out as she sighed. "I guess you could say I'm a half demon. Who just so happens to be sealed inside of you." She pointed at me as my eyes widened. "I think I'd remember having a demon sealed inside of me." I scoffed as she shook her head and giggled. "Wrong." She imitated the shrieking sound of a buzzer, causing me to jump in fear. "Actually if your memories hadn't been erased, you would have remembered. But, sadly that handsome man cursed me to keep quite for years. But now your back!" She giggled as she slowly sat up, her eyes looking over every inch of me. "What man are you referring to? Why do you look like me in the first place?" I asked many questions at once as she held up her hand. "Jeez kid, calm down. I can't harm you, that would be stupid to do since if you die, I die." She explained as my mind felt scrambled. "I look like you because technically I don't have my own physical body, but that story is for a different day." He waved her hand as I sighed. "Who was the man." I questioned her as I slowly walked over to the bars, my guard up the entire time. She smirked and jumped off of the boulder. She gracefully landed in-front of me as a wicked grin appeared on her face. "Before I answer that, answer one question for me." She put her hands on the bars, her beautiful face only inches from my identical one. "What?" I asked, not sure what about me she wanted information on. "Make a deal with me."

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