Chapter Thirty-Nine: Drivers seat

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(Emi's POV)

     I sat in my cell and sighed deeply. It had been about a day since I've seen anyone. The sound of a rat scurrying across the ground made me tremble as I pulled my legs up onto the bed. The sound of the door opened pulled my attention away from the rat as My gaze met Levi's. I smiled as I stood up and walked to the bar. "Levi, how did you get down here without Erwin?" I questioned him as a tall brown haired girl with glasses stood behind Levi with a creepy look on her face. Levi looked back at her and sighed.
     "Emi, this is Hange. She's the captain for the science department of the scout regime. Don't mind her, she's weird." Levi stated as Hange moved Levi out of the way and pulled out a set of keys. As soon as Hange opened the door and ran to Levi, practically jumping into his arms as he held me close.
     "Awe, you two love birds!" Hange giggled as Levi shook his head and rolled his eyes at Hange. "What are you two doing here?" I asked as Levi kissed the top of my forehead. "I think I may have a way to help you." Hange explained as I nodded. "Okay? How?" I questioned her as Levi kept me in his arms. His eyes were closed as he kept his mouth and nose on the top of my head, causing me to blush.
      "I would like to examine every inch of your body and find out all I can about the Hinokami!" She smiled creepily as I looked at her and then to Levi. "Would you like me to wake her up?" I asked as Hange's eyes lit up. "PLEASE!" She squealed as Levi sighed. "Only for a minute Emi. All Kami does is cause problems." Levi stated as I closed my eyes. My eyes shifting from gold to bright red.
        "I heard that, Levi." Kami stated as she let go of Levi and sighed as she fixed our uniform. Hange was staining at me as Kami sighed. "So I assume your the lady that wants to study me?" Kami questioned as Hange nodded in response. "It would be an honor, Hanoikami." Hange bowed slightly as Kami smirked and put her hand on my shoulder.
     "I like this girl. It's about time someone shows me the respect I deserve." Kami scoffed as she looked at Levi. "You should take some hints, future husband." She rolled her eyes as Levi sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
     "You're lucky you and Emi are a package deal." Levi admitted as Kami rolled her eyes. "So, how certain that your plan will work? Don't you think Erwin already planned for something like this?" Kami asked as Hange shrugged. "It should work, I'm a pretty convincing person. Plus we could get so much information out of you, it would be a waste if they killed you." Hange stated as Levi flashed his cold dark eyes to Hange.
     "They aren't going to kill her. I'll kill them all before they have the chance." Levi grunted as I switched back from Kami to myself. I touched his face softly and smiled. "It'll be okay Levi. Hange, I trust your judgement. I'll do whatever you need me to do." I explained as Hange smiled. "How did you do that? Switch from you to Kami and back to you?" She questioned as I raised my eyebrow.
       "I guess the easiest way to explain it is like my body is a car, and we switch drivers seats. When I'm in control she can still see and hear everything, and when she's in control I can see and hear everything as well." I explained as Hange's eyes widened. "That is amazing!" She squealed as Levi sighed again. "We better get going Captain, before Erwin finds out we were down here." Hange instructed as I poured. Levi hugged me as tight as he could and planted a soft kiss against my lips.
       "Don't worry my love, we will get you out of here I promise." Levi whispered as I blushed and nodded. "I know, just please don't do anything reckless. Okay?" I asked as he nodded. "Okay, but the same goes for you." He added as I smiled. I walked back into my cell as Hange closed the door and locked it. Levi kept his gaze on me as they both turned and left, leaving me alone in the small, dirty cell.

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