Chapter Thirty-Six: Where is she

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(Levi's POV)
       My eyes slowly opened as I groaned. My head was pounding as I attempted to sit up. "Oh Thank god your awake Captain!" LuLu sighed in relief as my eyes widened when I saw her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were under Military police custody?" I questioned as I looked around the room, my memories slowly coming back to me as my eyes widened.
    "Emi!? Where is she?" I got up off the floor as I felt panic begin to wash over me. LuLu placed her hand on my shoulder and sighed. "Emi surrendered herself to Erwin and the Survey Corps. They will be holding a trial in two weeks to see if she can be of use to the survey corps. Also, all of us have been cleared of our charges." LuLu explained as my eyes widened. I grabbed my tan coat and slid it on as I spoke.
      "I'm going to see her." I stated. What in the hell was that girl thinking? I sighed as I left the bedroom and went to go to the kitchen to leave when I saw Erwin sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of tea. I clenched my fists as I glared at him. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his crisp white shirt. His bright blue eyes met my gaze as he smirked.
    "What in the hell are you doing here Erwin?" He hissed as glared daggers at him. He looked down at the table. Next to his tea cup was a stack of paperwork. "I'm reinstating you as Captain of the Survey Corps. Emi surrendered under the condition that you and the rest of the people involved are released and cleared of all charges. Which, we agreed on." Erwin explained as I forcefully let go of his collar, shoving him back in his chair as I sighed.
        "Where is she?" I asked, feeling my anger slowly begin to boil over as Erwin finished his cup of tea. "That's none of your concern Levi. She is no longer your Cadet, she is under my command." Erwin stated as I couldn't control myself anymore. I pulled my arm back and punched in straight in his jaw, causing him to fall backwards in his chair.
        "WHERE IN THE FUCK IS EMI?!" I yelled as he held his jaw for a moment and scoffed as he got up off of the ground. "I'm not going to allow you to see her Levi. What happened to the old you? Who only cared about killing titans and cleaning?" Erwin glared at me as I matched his gaze, wanting nothing more then to beat him to a bloody pulp. But, I knew if I did that he would never tell me where Emi was.
     "You wanna know what happened Erwin? I fell in love, for once In my life I want to do something for me! Not for humanity or for the scout regime but for me!" I stated as Erwins eyes widened a bit. "What do I have to do, for you to let me see her?" I asked, willing to do anything at this point. Erwin looked at me and smirked as he grabbed the papers off of the table and handed them to me.
    "Reinstate yourself as a soldier for the Survey Corps. Go back to doing your job killing titans like you used to, and I will allow you to see her. But she is still required to go in front of a judge for her crimes." Erwin explained. I hated the feeling of doing anything that Erwin said but, I needed to see that she was okay. I sighed and grabbed the pen off of the table and quickly signed them.
     "There. I signed the paperwork. Let me see her now." I demanded as Erwin grabbed the papers and put them in the brown leather briefcase that was sitting on the floor next to him. After he put the papers in and closed the briefcase he sighed. "Fine. I'll take you to her. But, you only get a short period of time with her. You have things you need to complete since your absence." Erwin stated as he grabbed the briefcase and headed to the door. I sighed and followed behind him.
     "Fine. But I hope you know, I'm going to be keeping my eye on you and I will find something that ties you to the church. I won't stop until I do." I glared at him as we walked. He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Good luck with that Levi, sounds like your gonna need it." Erwin cockily stated as I clenched my fists.
     "And let me make one more thing clear, if you harm Emi in any way possible I will beat you to death. Understand?" I harshly spoke as Erwin looked at me and smirked. " Understood, Captain." He spoke as we continued our walk to the courthouse where Emi was being held.

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