~ Prologue and Character Info ~

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"Don't worry Joseph, enjoy your last day here before you and Sunita leave for your honeymoon.

Alani looks at her brother and drags him to the other wedding guests.

Her father comes over and asks, "Are you sure you want to go?", "Gee daddy, I haven't seen Uncle Billy in so many years I miss him and not to forget my sweet little cousin Jacob, he should be 16 by now and the last time I saw him he was 9 years old".

She leaned in to hug him.

"Well, if you are sure, I will miss you don't forget to call me from time to time and say hello to your uncle for me".

Alani looked up into his eyes and said: "I will do daddy, I am going to miss you too, come on let's dance, after all this is the wedding of my brother and sister-in-law".

Alani and her family celebrated all day until it was time for her brother Joseph and sister-in-law Sunita to fly off on their honeymoon.

"Dad, Alani, I'll miss you, I'll call you often, sis take good care of yourselves," said Joseph as he said goodbye to his family.

"Take care of yourselves and bring me a grandchild," her father replied joking.

Alani went to her brother and hugged him "I will miss you too brother, I have to leave now, my flight leaves in half an hour, so goodbye Joseph, Sunita, daddy".

Alani hugged everyone again and went to get her suitcases and heard her family wishing her a good flight.

Alani has lived with her family in India since she was 21 years old, that was 7 years ago and now it is time to go back to La Push.

Now she is on the plane and is looking forward to see the rest of her family again.

                                                         Alani Black played by  Deepika Padukone

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Age: 28

Birthday: 15. July

Family: William Black 52 (living in India) Father

                 Leandra Black 50 (dead) Mother

                Joseph William Black 31 (living in India) Brother

                Sunita Black nee Kumar 29 (living in India) Sister-in-law

               Billy Black 45 (living in La Push) Uncle

               Sarah Black 43 (dead) Aunt

              Jacob Black 16 (living in La Push) Cousin

              Rachel Black 24 (living goes to University) Cousin

              Rebecca Black 24  (living in Hawaii with her Husband / twin sister of Rachel) Cousin

Hobbys: Loves baking, so she wants to open her own bakery.

                   Likes to read

                   Likes watching football games

                   Likes to go Fishing

                   Likes to sing, and loves to draw.

Workplace: owner of Black Accalia Bakery  (Accalia  *latin* meaning She-Wolf)

Soulmate:                                Charlie Swan played by William Albert Burke

Age: 38

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Age: 38

Birthday: 22. October

Family: Geoffrey Swan 67 (dead) Father

                Helen Swan 64 (dead) Mother

                Renèe Dwyer 37 (living in Phoenix with her Husband Phil Dwyer) Ex-Wife

                Bella Swan 18 (living in Forks with her Dad) Daughter

Hobbys: loves football

                  likes to go fishing with his friends

                  loves homemade food  

                  likes to go camping from time to time

                  loves his friends

Workplace: Policestation in Forks (Police chief)

Soulmate: Alani Black

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