Scream at me 2.

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Nick walked into his house tiredly. The adrenaline from his experience vanished, leaving him in pain. His mind was yelling at him, who was that? How are they in the game? Why is the game acting like this?

"NICK!" His sister screamed once he entered the kitchen. He sighed immediately leaning on the wall.

"Why is my phone turned off?" She snapped, crossing her arms.

"I couldn't pay the bill. Mines not even on Kate." Nick whispered, mentally groaning. He did not have the energy to do this.

"Well why not?"

"Because I had to pay rent, then water, then electricity, then groceries, then gas, and have some left over for emergencies." Nick explained, trying to walk to his room.

"Maybe you should've worked a little harder." Kate snarled. He scoffed, but held himself from saying anything else. Kate is 14 just starting high school. Nick is responsible for caring for her, since their parents died. It's been very stressful, Kate isn't thankful for anything Nick does for her. He tries so hard but apparently it's not enough. He was in his room now, getting clothes out for a shower.

"So.. tired." He complained as he stomped to the bathroom, lazily throwing his clothes on the toilet seat. He turned on the water, letting it heat up as he undressed. Nick stepped in, letting out a soft groan as the water completely covered him.

"Dream.. Dream? Why is he in the game? How is that humanly possible?" He questioned, washing his hair.

"It's not possible. And why does he act so weird? It's like he has mixed emotions about me." Nick sighed, shaking his head slightly. He turned off the water, climbing out of the shower with a lot of effort.

"Maybe I shouldn't worry about it." He told himself, clothing himself as well. He was just about to walk out when he was hit with a burst of dizziness.

"Shoot, I'm over heated." Nick whined, holding his head and running to his room. He collapsed on the bed, falling asleep after a few short breaths.


"Yes my love?"

"Stop it."

"What am I doing?"

"Don't point that at me."

"What? This?"

"Stop, pl- AH"

Nick slowly opened his eyes, turning on his phone straight away. He closed his eyes again, blinded by the light. He waited a bit, then looked at the time.

"4 o'clock? I guess I'll be early today.." Nick sat up, rubbing his temples. He got off his bed, changing into more appropriate attire, but still more on the comfortable side.

"Stupid pants." Nick complained when his sweatpants fell off his hips more than they should. He's loosing weight, and fast. Nick made his way to work, a boring car ride with some trash music. He got his keys out from his pocket, unlocking the doors to his office, going straight to the testing room. Nick was curious about Dream, wondering if it was all in his head or not. He put the headset on, turning on the game with ease, loading up the same world.

"Alright, gotta find my cave." He sighed, running all the way back to the village. His cave was near here, by the base of a mountain. He could feel the wind on his hair, which was swaying softly in the wind. While Nick played, he felt a part of the game, like he was slowly being coded into the system. No sign of Dream though, just the villagers, who also seemed to look, and move more like a human would.

"Pretty, your skin. Wonder what you look like in real life." A voice sounded, no one was there. Nick turned around, trying to find a place where Dream might've been hiding.

"Describe yourself." He said, one eye peeking out of a window where Nick couldn't see. The game tester thought for a second.

"I have brown hair and eyes. My face is squishy, like a square almost. Dimples too."

"Sounds cute. You wanna go on a boat ride?" Dream walked out of the house he was in, sweat from working out in the heat beading on his tanned forehead.

"Ooo! Fun!" Nick smiled, running towards the nearest water where a boat sat.

"I'm steering, you can talk to me while I do that though." The taller male got in first., followed by the other.

"You're hair is moving.." Dream pointed out once they were off, and it was true, Nick's hair was swaying in the wind just like Dream's.

"Mhm, why though?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He couldn't even feel the headset, nor the wires.

"I-I.. dunno.." Dream focused on the water, glancing back at Nick every so often.

"How's your life?"

"Eh, right now I'm in a bad place. Money is so hard to get these days." He groaned, swinging his legs over the side of the boat.

"Emeralds? Oh wait.. I forgot about actual money heh." Dream chuckled, a light blush covering his cheeks.

"So you've been in the real world? How'd you get here?" Nick asked, immensely interested in the male's story.

"I loved a boy. His name was George, but this boy.. he loved games. He would spend every day on his computer and completely ignore me. Keep in mind, George and I were dating." Dream took a breath, sniffling.

"I grew so tired of it, and I did something I regretted.. I-I.. I killed him. I'm not sure what happened after, there was so much blood. I just know, he coded this game. So I'm guessing, this is my punishment." He stopped the boat, his dull eyes studying Nick. The boy was scared, maybe that's why Dream is so violent? His thoughts were bursted as the male jumped onto Nick, throwing them both in the water.

"AGH! That wasn't cool!" The boy screamed, spitting out some water that got in his mouth. It was salty.

"Pffft! Your hair!" Dream laughed. Nick lunged for him, barely being able to grab his mask and put it on his own head. His hair was out of his face now, leaving a grumpy Dream.

"That's mine! You wouldn't want to wear it I promise." He insisted, trying to get it back.

"And why not huh?" Nick questioned teasingly, causing Dream's eyes to flash.

"It's bones. George's bones." He stared blankly, though Nick was sure he was sorry about what he did.

"At least.. it isn't bloody?" He smiled awkwardly, giving the mask back. There was no reason to get scared, it is what it is. He looked away, towards the sunset that was completely gorgeous. It distracted him easily, everything distracts Nick. One time, he was taking his finals and he didn't do half the page because a fly caught his attention. Nick was supposed to be on medicine for it but he can't really afford it. Dream let out a sigh of relief, putting the mask in the boat and an arm around Nick.

"Pretty.." The shorter man said in awe, but Dream was too busy admiring the boy to notice. Deep inside, Dream knew this would ruin Nick.. or Sapnap.

"Yeah.. absolutely gorgeous."

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