Part seventeen

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Getting up to my new job wasn't that great how I was expecting. Waking up at 5 is never very pretty. Today it was the same. I rolled down from my bed after that my alarm started to ring. Every morning I want throw this little peace of shit out of my window. But then I realize how much it costed and my passion is gone. I don't have much money now because pay day is far away. 

Everything is quite expensive in here...

I can worry about things like this later I don't have much time now. After this "bed thing" I will eat something light, brush my teeth and everything, you know make myself look like a human being. I will pick some nice outfit to my job (what if I will meet somebody cute in here). That will totally never happen. 

After a small fight with myself I will pick just something normal. Comfortable. (Lol nope...better words- Boring) I'm not very confident person at this morning time. 

I will pack my stuff to work lock my apartment and go buy some coffee. My job isn't very far away from my apartment so I don't need to wait for some taxi or metro or whatever. I will just walk, and it totally wake me up, so when I come to job I will be full of energy. 

A big part in this makes that coffee, I think. But whatever. 

My job looks very pretty. I think when we are designers our job should look quite good. I have office with one nice girl, Tiffany. I think she is as old as me. Maybe a little bit older. 

She was very nice to me and showed me everything what I should know. It's quite a lot of things but I'm trying to learn everything really quick. 

But she wasn't at job today so it was a little bit strange because she has the same schedule like me. And second strange thing was that I wanted to go show some papers to my boss and these bodiguards about I told you before didn't want to let my inside. And then I heard from my colleague that he is not even here. 

But I continued in doing my work because I don't need to by fired. I just started working here but I have really a lot of work. So I hope that my payment will be as good as I'm working my ass off. 

Maybe I have a big expectations but I always keep thinking positive. At least, I'm trying. 

I went to lunch. It was a nice rest from work. I set next to some my colleagues that Tiffany knew. They were all nice. As I see there are only nice people. I don't know if they take in here just nice people or what. 

"So what were they asking you at your interview?" On guy, I think Aaron, asked me.

"What interview? You guys were doing interview? Because I wasn't they just wrote me email with some informations." I told them with confusion.

I saw that Aaron and the other colleagues looked at each other and then he told me:

" no..we weren't doing interview just something like that but that was after we were in here, it was just that they told us these informations that you have in email. I think they don't do it now. They just say email." Oh..okay? 

"Yeah,yes." Others agreed with him. 

Maybe it's true, but I still have this strange feeling in back of my mind. I pushed it out from my mind and went back to working. I don't have much things that I can say to you because I was working all day. And when I ended my work I went home. 

Nothing special.

But on my way home I saw this one poster. I don't know how couldn't I see it in the morning but whatever. On this poster was that Beyoncé is doing a competiton for dancers. I wanted to call Lyss because Beyoncé is our big inspiration and she is a dancer so why not? 

But then I remembered that she is not talking with me. It sort of upsetted me. 

So I just took a picture of that poster so I will not forgot about it. I will think about that call but I'm not prepared for talking to her now. 

I would be glad if she changed her mind and came in here.

New chapter is heeereee! :D I hope you enjoyed it. We know that these parts are little bit boring but we need to go somewhere with this story and we have everything prepared. So don't be sad there will be a lot of interesting and unexpected parts. Stay tuned!

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So as always vote/comment. And big Thank you to everybody who is reading this! :) 

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