Interlude III: The Tower

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Most often than not, fairy tales tend to go beyond what is considered normal. They play with the concept of fantasies, impossibilities and so much more that it's impressive. It's no wonder that children are often enthralled by such concepts that they explore; romance, chivalry, adventures.

Nonetheless, there was never a right reason to simply dismiss such high tales as absurd, for sometimes, they tend to hold powerful truths that would be key to salvation.

Becoming a knight was, as she felt, her destiny. She'd desired to become a sword and shield for the people; one who could protect those who could not fend for themselves. That was what Kizmel desired to be, and she'd been granted that very opportunity.

It was, by no means, a fairy tale on her part. For one thing, she's an elf. And second, she hadn't been given such a position by courting princes, saving a kingdom or running from her troubles—she was a knight through the blood and sweat she poured into her efforts. Every step of the way, she had never given up on making sure she was closer to her destiny. And when she'd been knighted by her queen, she had been prepared to fulfil the role as properly as ever.

Sometimes, however, we become bigger than what we expect. And the Dark Elf would soon learn one such important lesson that she was certain all the books in her childhood had never taught her.

Change is inevitable. From there, the only option that remained was to adapt to it and move forwards, or be buried under all the burdens and die with the world.


August 2022—Aincrad. Floor 9, Dark Elf Queen's Castle

"Rise, Kizmel."
"Your Majesty."

There had been a point in her life when Kizmel, just a simple girl with a simple life in the village, had dreamt of becoming a knight. It was, after all, the highest honour one could possibly have; to give oneself wholly to the service of their kingdom. It was something that she and her sister had dreamt of, and something her parents had joked about them becoming knights in the future.

And here she is, standing before her queen in armour, pride swelling in her bosom.

In the eyes of the foolish, they may have felt that it was a pitiful thing. To be forced into such a trying and dangerous position with little compensation... but none knew the truth better than Kizmel herself, and she was nothing but honoured to be allowed this position, if only because it meant that she could truly serve her queen and her kingdom.

If asked if she could change her position for something else, she would reject such offers every time.

The woman before her was the one who ruled over all Dark Elves. Her queen in the flesh, dressed in a beautiful blue gown as her silver hair seemed to glitter from the light that poured down on her from the windowpane. She looked so beautiful. Majestic, even. A rightful ruler of their people.

And so very kind, as her expression melted into a warm smile. "You look rather lovely today. Did you have a stroke of good happenstances?"

"Not at all, Lady Astra," she shook her head. "I was simply deep in thought."

"Deep in thought, hmm? Well, if you say so," she said, walking away from her throne and descending the small steps. "Come walk with me."

Kizmel obliged, following her queen out of the throne room. The two found themselves strolling across the corridors of the castle, with an open view of the gardens being tended to by gardeners. Some would bow in the presence of the queen while others nodded their heads, and Kizmel simply stared ahead, her steps matching her queen's gentle stride.

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