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Smol note: thanks to @Maydown2 for suggesting this. Also I'm using underlines instead of bold for author notes bc I'm on my phone and can't tell if it's bolded or not. Bai!
(One more thing: this does have mentions of abuse so if you don't like that I suggest you leave)

"Y/N, how many times have we told you not to leave the house after 6?!" Your mom shouted.
"I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to meet my friends..." You responded, looking at the ground that was uncomfortably close to your face after your mom had hit you.
"I don't care about your friends! Rules are rules!" Your mom screamed.
"Why did we have to raise such a disappointment of a child?!" Your dad yelled.
"I'm taking your phone away for 4 months! Maybe that should teach you to obey your mother!"
"No! Please don't!" You cried. Your phone was the only way to talk to your friends, the only people in this world who made you happy.
"We're going to have to install cameras in your room as well, seeing as you obviously can't handle privacy."
"Wh-what? Why? I'm just trying to have fun like a normal kid!" You sobbed, looking up at your parents with tears in your eyes.
"It's because you're not a normal kid! You're rude, bossy, fat, ugly, and you're bisexual! You're an absolute disgrace of a child!" Your mother said, clearly disgusted.
"Maybe this will show you what happens when you misbehave." Your dad said angrily. Then he and your mom began to beat you up, leaving bruises on your face and torso. You screamed at them, begging them to stop, but they didn't listen. They kept telling you to shut up, saying how terrible of a child you were, and how they wished you would just move out already. Suddenly you heard a sweet voice worriedly whispering your name, but you couldn't quite tell where it was coming from. Suddenly, your parents and kitchen faded away, and all you saw was Kirishima staring at you, scared. "Are you ok, Y/N? You were shaking and crying in your sleep."
"Oi, what's wrong, Y/N? The people in the next apartment over can hear you. Are you ok?" Bakugo asked, turning over in the bed.
"Y-yeah, it's just... I w-was having like a dream-flashback t-thing about my parents a-abusing me..." You stuttered, trying not to cry.
"Your parents abused you? The fuck did they do?" Bakugo started to get mad, but Kirishima looked at him, reminding him that it was still the middle of the night and people were sleeping.
"They u-used to call me fat, ugly, and bossy, s-scream at me for being bi... they would also be r-really strict, invade my privacy, and b-beat me until I was black and b-blue..." You burst into tears remembering the horrible things your parents did to you. Kirishima and Bakugo both sat up at the same time and hugged you. You were crying into Kirishima's chest while Bakugo had his head buried in your hair.
"Y/N, listen to me. I will never, ever, let anyone hurt you. You mean the world to me, you and Katsuki both." Kirishima grabbed your face, forcing you to stare into his eyes.
"Yeah, you two mean everything to me. If anyone tried to hurt either of you, I'd explode them all the way to hell!" Bakugo whispered, kissing you.
"Do you want water, or do you just want to go back to sleep?" Kirishima asked you.
"U-um, water's fine," you whispered, still shaky from your dream. Kirishima got up to pour you water while Bakugo comforted you.
"It's ok, Y/N. They're not here anymore. They can't hurt you. We'll protect you. You're safe. It's alright."
"I-I know, I just-" You sniffled. "I want t-to forget about th-them..."
Kirishima came back with water a few seconds later. "Here you go, Y/N." You took the glass and drank a few sips. "Do you want to lie down?" Kirishima asked.
"Y-yeah," you whispered. You laid down on the bed, with kiribaku lying on either side of you.
"We love you, Y/N." Kirishima and Bakugo whispered at the same time.
"I love you guys too," You responded sleepily. "Promise you won't leave me alone?"
"We would never do that, Y/N." Bakugo said.
"You mean the world to us." Kirishima said. You all fell asleep, dreaming of the other two, knowing that you all loved each other.

Okay wow. First off, I did not expect people to actually read this. Second off, the person who suggested this also suggested a thunderstorm thing. I may do that in the future, but until then, here's a Kirishima ASMR of basically the same thing: Third off, this is kind of similar to a Bokuaka (Haikyuu's Bokuto and Akaashi) one shot I read where Akaashi woke up with nightmares and Bokuto promised to never leave Akaashi but then he did and Akaashi killed himself... I had a lot of trouble getting over that ;-;. Anyway, be glad this didn't end like that. ;) Bye guys, I'll see you in the next chapter!
Word count: 881

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