Whats Agenda 21 ?

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   The "21" part of Agenda 21 refers to the target year of 2021 from the original UN plan. By now that goal post has been moved to 2030, by which date claims we will get a one-world government, subjugating the rest of the nations. This includes one world currency, one religion (if any), one military, no private property, no family units, mandatory vaccines, microchips for everyone, Social Credit System, 5G monitoring, and the government raising your children and controlling all the schools. People would not be able to own cars or businesses as everything will be managed by corporations and governments.

      The United Nations Agenda 21 sustainable development was agreed upon by 192 nations in 1992 in the U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Agenda 21 is a global plan but is implemented locally. It's the agenda for the 21st century. Agenda 21 enables and justifies monitoring and metering and restricting our energy usage and our water usage. And they use smart meters. The agenda  creates a carbon tax on industry and ultimately on us as individuals. Its destroying our roads and dams. Agenda 21 is instituting data-collection and data-sharing in energy uses, schools, health care, law enforcement and in every part of our lives that has formerly been private. The agenda is diagnosing a huge part of our population with mental illness and drugging us. It implements sustainable development in our schools systems with start from kindergarten. People are getting indoctrinated in the school system.

To implement Agenda 21, they need to plan and create crises. Agenda 21 is about economy, ecology and social equity. The key to this plan is data-collection and information-sharing worldwide. How else can you monitor how people are balancing their environment, their economy and their social equity. Agenda 21 impacts economic, transportation, housing, land use, health, education, water, energy, food-production, privacy and security.

    They are seeking to create islands of human habitation. That's where we will be. islands of human habitation means dense housing surrounded by buffer zones and corridors for animals. The idea is to collect human being into concentrated city-centers.

U.N. SUMMIT 1992

Koire says that In 1992 there were 192 nations that agreed to adopt Agenda 21. It's a global plan and the goal is to implement this agenda into all public and private policies and activities. In 1993 when Bill Clinton took office he created the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development. All countries created their local Agenda 21 to implement it locally. Agenda 21 it a beautiful framework for totalitarian control. 

    Agenda 21 enabling the changing of every land use document in the world to require high density housing in city centers. So that we can be more easily managed, controlled and surveilled. Agenda 21 means loss of personal and national sovereignty and a global transfer to megacorporations. It's called corporatocracy. It's a global totalitarian state and it is in progress right now. It's a stealth plan in plain sight.

There's something that is called communitarianism. under communitarianism the individuals rights are balanced with the rights of the community. The community rights will go before the individual rights.

Koire means that Agenda 21 is the action plan and inventory and control of all land, all water. all minerals, all plants, all animals, all means of production, all construction, all energy, all education, all information and all human beings.  Agenda 21 is a transition from representative governments to governance by unelected boards and commissions. Agenda 21 is the erasure of jurisdictional boundaries and the loss of private property rights and ultimately your own body.  Agenda 21 leads to the loss of sovereignty and freedom – for all of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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