Omen from the Dream

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Dream Start, 1st POV

Fire, blood, and carnage.

It was all around me as I breath slowly.

I could hear the cries of my fellow brethren, fighting against each other.

The Devil Civil War

Centuries after the Great War, we Devils wanted to continue the war, but as a result this happened.

Many disagreed with the ways of the old ones, because it will only result in our extinction.

Funny, as a Devil I should fill the same as the old ones, as many as should. But we of the new blood have more clear understanding of what will happen.

Our Cardinal Sins, we took control over then and not let them rule over us. Many of the old ones are prideful, wrathful, and greedy.

They would not accept as being weak, being vulnerable. Therefore we have been split into two.

The New Devils and the Old Devils, or one would say the New Satans and the Old Satans.

I could still remember the ones I have killed, and with each kill, I mourned. I was different from the others, even the New Devils could tell. Hell(as much as a pun would that be), they even told me I acted like a Pure Angel killing off Devils

I laughed at that, I just simply kill with kindness and not anger, for a life is a life, good or evil.

I know some of them can be saved, where even the servant of Lucifer, a Lucifuge defected to our side, Grayfia was her name I think.

Some of these Devils were just forced into battle, some lost their purpose, only seeing fighting as their way of life.

With every death, I feel their desire, for justice, for vengeance, for acknowledgement. I would have tried talking to them, but this was the battlefield, where no words cannot reach to each others ears. I would have been judge for acting naive, tarnishing the reputation of my family.

I would not go further, this civil war had made many clans extinct, with the total clans being reduced to little more than half of the 72.

During the time of war, Ajuka Astaroth, found a way to replenish our numbers. The Evil Pieces, chess pieces that can reincarnate another being into a Devil, be it human, Youkai, or any other specie into one of us. He first gave us the first of his creation, each set to all five of us.

Tragedy struck, I have been sent here in this world by oldest of all Devils, the son of the Morningstar himself, Rizevim Lucifer, it was intended for Sirzechs but I shielded him from it.

I don't know of what fate of the new bloods would be, but I believe it would be in safe hands especially with Sirzechs leading them.

Me? I believe I have not said my name, but I am the brother of Sirzechs Gremory.

I am Sergei Gremory, and I am a Devil.

Dream End

I woke up with the sun shining upon me,  'Another dream about home again.'

I rose up, usually the sun would weaken a Devil, but with years of being used to it, I grew some sort of resistance.

I regularly dream of home, of the Underworld. Strange, despite spending several years here, I haven't completely forgotten of what caused me to be here. Maybe it was because time is almost meaningless to us Devils since we can live up to 10,000 years.

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