marcel being the best friend he is😌

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i stormed out of my boyfriend's house, tears sliding down my cheeks. i got in my car and just broke down. he really cheated. why? i tried to make sense of what signs i missed. i took a deep sigh. once again, love is nonexistent for me.
i got to a convenience store near my house, a market. i walked in.
"y/n? what're u doing here this late?" i looked to the cashier. the familiar brown-eyed boy stood there, marcel. my best friend. he worked at this convenience store. it was his dad's and he needed the extra money so decided to help out.
"hey. well, i'm hungry and this is the closest thing to food around here." we both chuckled, mine sounding less enthusiastic than his.
"did u study for the math test tomorrow?" he asked as he walked out of the counter to wipe the windows.
i walked to the back to look for some chips. "ugh, i forgot about that. i doubt u did though."
"u know it." he chuckled. it was silent for a moment, only the sound of the rag swiping up and down against the glass.
"hey, u seem quiet." he put the rag down and walked over to me. "u ok?"
i sighed and cleared my throat. "mhm. just a bit tired, that's all. after band rehearsals, my voice needs a break." he chuckled a lil and smiled.
"my shift is almost over. u wanna get some burritos?" i smiled, genuinely happy this time.
"yes! mm, i can already taste em'." he laughed a lil.
"alright, u better help me shut down everything."
"uhp- and who's store is this?"
"not mine."
"it's has your last name, so technically it is-" he threw the rag he used on the windows at me. i scoffed.
"i'm sorry, i couldn't hear u. i was too busy waiting for u to stop talking." i smiled and walked up to him, playfully pushing him. i went behind the counter and shut off the tablet for him. he went to the back and got all of his things, put things away, etc.
i checked my pocket to get my phone and see what time it was, but i remembered i left it in the car. i checked marcel's phone to see the time. i smiled when i saw the screen. his wallpaper was a picture of us that one night when we got matching fox onesies and went on a late-night target run. we were running around all over the store(and almost got kicked out) that night. the picture was me on his back, my head over his shoulder, us looking genuinely happy.
"what's making u so smiley?" he walked back from the back of the store, his coat on and everything.
"nothing." i brushed it off. he took his phone and we headed to our cars.
"hey, let's go drop off my car," i said. he nodded and we drove to my house, dropped off my car, and we headed to chipotle.
"so, how was ur day?" he asked.
"it was alright." i then remembered what happened. the whole reason i even came to the store.
"r u sure ur ok? u seem like u just got the worst news ever."
i sighed. "i.....yeah. i'm- i just remembered that i....need to practice this song for band." he looked at me, his face, his eyes, full of concern. he knew i wasn't ok.
"y/n, talk to me," he said gently. i sighed and i guess i just couldn't hold it back anymore. all of a sudden, i felt tears welling up in my eyes. he noticed and looked at me, his face aiding his concern for him. we had gotten there so he parked.
"oh, no. y/n, pls don't cry-,"
"he broke up with me." i said, my heart breaking at every word. his face dropped from being worried to being confused and angry, with a hint of concern as well.
"he what?" he asked, as if not wanting to believe such news.
"he cheated on me." i sniffled.
"how could he be such a d¡ck?!" he exclaimed.
"y/n, i'm so sorry."
all i could do was just try and calm down, but trying to not think about it only made me think about it even more. marcel leaned over his seat to give me a hug. i hugged him tight, not wanting to let go.
"i'm right here, don't worry," he whispered as he rubbed my back. i finally took a deep breath and sat up.
"he's an a$$. trust me, u deserve better than him." i looked at him, at his soft tiny smile which somehow always made me feel better. i nodded.
"thanks." i sniffled.
"course. now, let's go eat burritos and not think about d!cks who aren't worth ur time." i smiled a lil and we got out of the car and into chipotle.

hiiiii haven't posted in a while but hope u enjoyed! i had this scrap in my notes and decided to post it cause why not. long, but i think worth it. k bye.


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