Midsummers Day

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I watch Patroclus' lean body on the grass sun bathing. He looks different from the boy I knew in the storage closet. I am watching him from the middle of the creek. My torso in the cool water, my toes balancing on the rocks and sand.
I notice that his jaw is sharp like a sword and his skin smooth. The red spots previously on it replaced by freckles. His shoulders are broad now and he is much taller (although not as tall as me.) His hair is also longer and is in more places. His armpits, legs, chest and navel. His chest and hips are wider, the traces of the scrawny awkward boy I knew all these years ago now fleeting. I do not look at his the same way I used to either. He is not just my companion he is more. And I look at him the same way I look at power: with desire.
"Swim with me Patroclus." I say. He lifts his head from the grass and shakes it.
"No, I am too tired." He says and lays his head back down. I put my tunic on and walk to the bank where he's laying.
Once I reach him I lay my head on his stomach and cradle my arms around his sides. We stay like this for a while until I get bored.
"Are you done being tired Patroclus." I say resting my chin on his stomach facing him.
"Achilles, must I do everything with you?"
"Yes, you are my sworn companion." He lifts his head off the grass and looks into my eyes.
"I must say this companion business is a lot of work. And I want a day off."
I pout very dramatically inching up until our noses meet with my hands holding me up on either side of him. With our touch his checks get rosy and I laugh softly.
"Patroclus I don't think you could handle one day without me in it." He blushes further and sighs, shaking his head showing me I've won.
We walk to the cool water and strip off our tunics. I try not to gawk while he lifts it over his shoulders, but his naked body is drawing me in. We wade into the water until we can just barely touch the bottom with our toes.

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