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More comments please? :-)

I' so tired so if this is shitty I apologise in advance lmao


The car engine hummed as Luke drove, his knee bouncing up and down nervously. It had been about a week and half since Ellie had dropped her ring into the pawn shop, and Luke had no idea whether it would still be there. It was a nice ring, someone was bound to have bought it if they had seen it. His only hope was that it was tucked away in some corner of the display, so no one would have stumbled across it.

He bit his lip as his thoughts echoed in his head, playing with his lip ring - something he had grown accustomed to doing ever since he had gotten it pierced. His mother wasn't pleased with it, but when he pointed out that he was 18, there wasn't much else she could say. He looked out the window, noticing the change in his surroundings. Five minutes ago, he was passing by busy little cafés and small boutiques with flowers in the window displays, and now he was driving by tattered corner shops and boarded up buildings. He had definitely crossed into the bad side of town. 

He sighed and kept driving, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. He stopped at a traffic light and subconsciously locked the car doors when someone walked past, hoping the light would turn green soon. When it did, he took no hesitation in accelerating, looking carefully at the road in front of him for the sign that would indicate that he needed to turn.

The wheel turned in his hand as the car rounded the corner and Luke looked for a parking space that would leave his mum's car in the least vulnerable position. It wasn't exactly an amazing car, but it was a damn sight better than any of the other ones there, and the last thing he wanted to have to tell his mother was that he had managed to get her car stolen.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the car door, making sure to lock it as soon as the door had shut once again. He shoved his hands in the pocket of his black jacket, wrapping it around himself. He tried not to feel intimidated by the group of people standing around the corner, or at least not let it show. A bell rang above his head as he entered the shop, and a guy not much older than him looked up at him from behind the till.

His eyes never left Luke as he wandered around the shop, looking for the ring - not that Luke could blame him. It was a rough area, they probably had to be wary about burglaries. It didn't take him long to spot the rose gold ring he was looking for. It was right smack-bang in the middle of the main display, which made Luke furrow his eyebrows. Why hadn't someone bought it yet?

Luke heard someone clear their throat, and looked up to see the guy from behind the till standing in front of him, behind the display.

"You gonna stand their all day, or are you gonna buy something?" he asked gruffly, and Luke swallowed nervously.

"I, uh," Luke began, struggling to string a sentence together, "How much for that ring?"

The guy looked to where Luke was pointing and smirked.

"That beauty?" he chuckled darkly, "That's way beyond your budget, mate."

"How much," Luke said through gritted teeth.

The guy behind the till raised his eyebrows, but it was in amusement rather than anything else.

"Four thousand five hundred," he said, watching carefully for Luke's reaction.

Luke's jaw dropped open slightly.

"Dollars?!" he asked incredulously, his voice going hoarse with surprise.

"No, four thousand five hundred monkeys," the guy retorted, rolling his eyes. "Of course, dollars."

Luke looked down at the floor while resting his hands on the display. There was no way in hell he could afford that, he didn't even have a job.

"Look," Luke said evenly, "It's really sentimental. My friend dropped it in last week because she needed money, and I want to get it back for her birthday. Please, help a guy out."

The guy stood back and folded his arms across his chest.

"Aw yeah, I know the girl you're talking about," he mused, "Light brown hair, green eyes, really great ass."

He smirked as he saw Luke's jaw tighten, running his tongue over his teeth.

"Look, kid," he said, bringing himself down to eye-level with Luke, "I don't care how sentimental this damn ring is, I need to make a profit."

Luke sighed, running one of his hands through his hair as he tried to think of something to do. But he couldn't. He needed that ring, but there was no way he could make that amount of money before Ellie's birthday. He certainly couldn't ask his mum for it, and if he asked his brother, he'd be told to move on and get over it. Just like he was every time he brought Ellie up in conversation.

"Actually," the guy said again, and Luke looked up, "How badly do you want that ring?"

Luke didn't hesitate before he answered, standing up straight and looking him in the eye.

"I'll do anything," he promised, shaking his head from side to side.

The guy smirked once again and began walking backwards, towards a door at the back of the shop.

"Well then, follow me," he beckoned, turning around and walking through the door, leaving Luke behind him.


A/N: There you go my lovelies :)

What do you think is gonna happen...? ;) I love reading theories and guess it's so much fun lmao

Please vote and P L E A S E comment, I wanna get this up and going :) Don't forgte to follow me if you havent already.

My twitter is @cliffordsparked if you wanna find me there



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