Եɾɑմʍɑ (Backstory)

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You and your siblings are singing and playing the guitar why?(Idk if guitars excist in the taisho period buuuuut lets just pretend thay excist in the taisho period)"WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!" "NOT UNLESS YOU STOP DOING THAT!!!" Yup your parents are fighting again." I used to shut my door, my mama then screamed in the kitchen" You began to sang as your brother plays the guitar"I turn the music up~ get high and try not listen to every little fight" Your sister sang as a teer fall down your cheek. Your parents have been arguing for years and you hate every bit of it your just 6 years old and you've experience this they even arguied infront of you" 'cause neither one was right" music, and your siblings are the only things that calms you down.

~Time skip~

"GEEZ WILL YOU STOP YELLING!" Your father screamed, its night time and there still arguing"Little sis are you okay?" Your brother questioned you in a sad tone "We can sing you a lullaby if you want"Your sister said as your brother grabs the guitar and begins playing "Remeber me~though I have to say goodbye remember me~don't let it make you cry for even if im far away i'll hold you in my heart""I'll sing a secret song to you each night we are apart~" Your siblings sang as you began to feel sleepy "Remember me~though I have to travel far remember me~~""Each time you hear a sad guitar~"Your brother sang as your eyes slowly closed"Know that im with you the only way that I can be~~until your in my arms again~~ remember me~" Both your siblings sang as you began to close your eyes. Your happy atleast because your siblings are there for you but...

You woke up due munching and crunching noices 'Hm? Who could be eating in the middle of the night? Onii-chan perhaps?' You thought as you wore your slippers and walk to the dinning area, you opened the door and... you saw a man that is eating your family. Your eyes widen you watch as the man eats your family you began to back away but "crrrreeek" The door made a creeking sound you covered your mouth, beads of sweet and tears form in your face the demon looked at you and began running towards you but before he could reach the door. Hes head fell from his body your eyes widen. You ran to your siblings you didn't notice the lady that just save your life. You stared at your brother his left arm got torn apart his legs are gone you then look at your sister her face has blood everywhere she has no arms and her right leg is gone you grip onto the purple flower ponytail that your brother and your sister gave you.


"Little sis!" Your siblings called you you opened the door and saw your sister holding a white box "Whats that Akari nee-san and Haru onii-san" You asked pointing at the box "Since its you birthday and mom and dad doesn't celebrate your birthday that much we decided to give a present!" Your brother said with a innocent closed eyed smile your sister then gave the box to you, you opened it very fast since you never got presents that much when you saw the present you smiled widely

"Little sis!" Your siblings called you you opened the door and saw your sister holding a white box "Whats that Akari nee-san and Haru onii-san" You asked pointing at the box "Since its you birthday and mom and dad doesn't celebrate your birthday t...

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Its a hairpin! You took off your old ponytail and tie your hair into a loose ponytail with the hairpin that your siblings gave you "Thank you so much onii-san and nee-san!!" You said as you huged them tightly

End of Flashback

You cried at the memory you wish that this was all a dream but no this is reality you stared at your sisters voilet iolite necklace you then felt a tap on your sholder you were so shocked that you punch persons stomach "ouch"Was all she said you look up and saw a beautiful raven hair, violet bluish eyes, and fair skin somehow kind of reminds you of your sister "Nee-san" you whispered but the raven haired girl heard it"Sorry im not your nee-san" She said with a sad and pity tone

Y/n's pov

I looked down I was sad very sad I couldn't prosses what happened"If you want you can live with me so you can't be alone" I heared her said i nodded but I didn't look at her "First get some rest I can guard this house for you"She said with a sweet tone "By the way im Yuri Tanaka" She said "Im Y/n L/n " I said with an emotionless tone. I went to my room I couldn't sleep I just stared at ceiling lying down thinking about what happened.

~Time skip~

After hours looking up at the ceiling still thinking about what happened I didn't notice the sun has already risen "L/n-san. The sun already rose you can pack up your things now" Tanaka said "..." I didn't reply I just continued staring at the ceiling. "Crrreeek" She opened the door and looked at me

Yuri Tanaka's pov

I looked at her, her face is emotionless. I look up at the ceiling wondering what's so interesting about it after about 5 seconds I looked around the room theres a guitar beside her bed laying on the floor and a desk behind it 'That guitar must have been owned by one of her family' I thought as I get it and decided to bring it to my house I looked at the necklace that was owned by the dead lady 'maybe I need to bring it to my house so she can remember her family' I thought as I looked at her shes still staring at the ceiling strange I put the necklace in my pocket and search for the case of this guitar after about 3 minutes I finally found it after putting the guitar inside the case I looked at her. Shes still staring at the ceiling its like shes traumatized. Wait...

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