chapter 1; new school new ppl

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let me introduce myself, my names y/n, i'm 17 y/o and i'm a senior in hs. my parents got divorced bc they had 'different opinions' on work but i'm not too sure abt that. me n my mom moved into a small neighborhood and got a pretty nice house, it's a bit small but who needs a big house when there's only 2 ppl living in it..well when there's only 1 person living in it most of the time. my mom has a rlly good job but that makes her travel a lot so she's rarely home but i don't mind, i've dealt with it for most of my life so i'm used to it. little did my parents know was that i got bullied at my old school. i was bullied bc i was a 'nerd' when i rlly wasn't. i just did my work as soon as possible so i'd have more free time, yeah i had all A's and B's but that doesn't make me a nerd, i just care abt my grades unlike most ppl but one of the other reasons why i wanted to move w my mom was bc once the school found out my parents were getting a divorce they started making fun of me saying i'll never have a real family, that they probably got divorced bc of me n how i ruined there life, n that they never loved me, that's why i was always home alone. at one point the bullying rlly affected me to the point where i started cutting myself. ik i shouldn't have but what if what they were saying was true, what if my parents rlly didn't love me. what if they never wanted to have me but they were to late to get a procedure done. what if i rlly was the reason why my parents got a divorce, i mean they were always gone but whenever they were home they'd always b annoyed whenever i tried to talk to them n to make matters worse my dad- well my dad was an alcoholic so whenever he'd get rlly drunk n my mom wasn't home..he'd do stuff to me, he'd physically and mentally hurt me n one time he was so close to raping me but my mom got home just b4 he could do anything. i honestly thank god everyday that he didn't let my dad do that to me but that's enough abt my life, it's currently 6:30 and school starts at 7:57 so i should probably get ready.
this is how i look like btw

i'd like to think i'm pretty, i've had a few boyfriends but i've never felt a special connection w any of them, don't get me wrong i rlly did have feelings for them but i never felt a spark w any of them

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i'd like to think i'm pretty, i've had a few boyfriends but i've never felt a special connection w any of them, don't get me wrong i rlly did have feelings for them but i never felt a spark w any of them. i actually have a boyfriend rn, his names jake, jake webber. u might've heard of him, he's an ex vine star n he has a youtube channel. i love him, i rlly do but never once have i felt a spark w him. ik that's probably a bad sign but like i said, i rlly like him n i don't think i can break up w him. we started dating towards the end of sophomore year n he knows everything my dads done to me, the only thing he didnt n still doesn't know is that i cut myself. i never told him bc i didn't want him to worry abt me. it's gonna b hard not seeing him everyday at school but it's okay, ik our relationship will b okay, we've gone through so much together so i shouldn't b scared. yk thinking abt it now my whole friend group did everything for me. especially when they saw ppl bullying me, they'd almost always step in to help, sadly they wouldn't always b there for me but it's but okay. ironically the ppl in my friend group r all influencers. like im friends w the whole sam n colby squad along w the kian n jc squad. i grew to have a small following bc of them, i currently have 10k followers on instagram n i'm so thankful for them. ik it's not that much but there just getting stared, i can't wait to see how far they go, not bc i want followers but bc they all have sm talent that they can share w the world it's crazy that they don't have a bigger following rn. yk thinking abt it now that's probably another reason why i got bullied, bc i was friends w influencers...oh well, idrc anymore but i rlly need to get ready now, since it's my first day at this school i decided not to go all out but i also wanna look cute so i'm wearing this.

yeah it's lowk basic but it's cute n i like dressing comfy so that's what i'm going w

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yeah it's lowk basic but it's cute n i like dressing comfy so that's what i'm going w. i'm not a rlly big fan of makeup, i mean i enjoy doing it n i like how i look in it but i get so lazy that i only do it for special occasions, for now i'm only wearing eyeliner, curling my eyelashes, n putting on chapstick. i look at my phone and see that it's already 7:15, i run downstairs and see that there's a note on the table, i look at it and it says 'hey sweetie, i got a phone call last night saying that i need to go to new york for a week or 2 so i left u some money in my room. i'm rlly sorry i couldn't b there for ur first day at ur new school but once i come back u can tell me all abt it! ily y/n
wow. just wow. wait, what am i saying? i'm used to it but i for sure would've thought she would stay home for a few days, not leave 2 days after we move in. okay i need to stop complaining b4 i zone out and realize that ima b late for school. i grab some cereal and start eating it, by the time i finish i see that it's already 7:32...shit ima b late! i run back upstairs and grab my shoes, my phone, and some money my mom left me b4 i leave, thankfully it's only a 9 minute walk to school but i rlly should've left earlier. as i'm walking into the school i start getting looks and see that ppl are whispering some things, i try to ignore it but as i turn around i bump into this rlly cute curly haired boy, he has rlly cute freckles and his eyes are such a pretty brown color, did i mention that he's rlly cute? wait no, i have a bf. i cant do that to jake, i just can't. i soon snap out of it and see that he has a shocked look on his face which quickly turns into a smirk. i start to get scared n say 's-sorry, i should've watched where i was going..' while looking down not wanting to make eye contact w him, then he lifts up my chin so that i'm facing him. i was abt to say something until he started leaning down to my ear saying 'oh little girl u rlly should look where ur going, just wait' once he finished his sentence he squeezed my wrist so hard i felt my eyes start to water. he started to squeeze it harder until a girl came running to us and pushed him off of me, as she was yelling at him her friend came running to me asking if i was okay.
y/n; 'uh..y-yeah i'm okay, my wrist just hurts a bit'
??? 'omg i'm so sorry he did that to u! i'm christina btw. i'm guessing ur new here?'
y/n; 'ahaha yeah, i should probably get going tho, i need to go to the office and pick up my schedule'
christina; 'i can go w u if u want'
y/n; 'rlly? that'd actually b rlly nice!'
christina; 'yeah ofc! i'd love to show u around, let's go!'
i laugh and we start walking to the office, i actually forgot abt the whole situation that just happened for a little bit bc christina's telling me random facts abt the school, once we arrive i get my schedule and see that i have science 1st per, language arts 2nd per, gym 3rd per, history 4th per, lunch 5th per, music 6th per, math 7th per and my last class is my free period. i show christina and she immediately starts jumping up and down
christina; 'omg y/n we have almost every class together!! the only classes i won't get to see u is science, music, and ur free per but other than that we're gonna b together the whole year!!'
y/n; 'omg yay! now i won't have to worry abt being alone and having to make new friends when i have u!!'
right as i say that the bell rang which signaled the students that there's only a few minutes left b4 we have to go to class. we leave the office and christina shows me where my locker is, as i start putting my things away i see the girl that stood up for me coming towards me and christina. right as i'm abt to say something the girl comes up to us and hugs christina b4 introducing herself to me.
???; 'okay b4 i introduced myself to u i just wanted to say wow, ur so pretty but anyways, i'm sydnie! ur new here right?'
y/n; 'yeah i am and thank u, ur rlly pretty yourself! my names y/n btw! also thank u for sticking up for me earlier, i rlly appreciate it'
sydnie; 'omg ur welcome! i would never let him do that to u. i should probably tell u abt the ppl here. first off, the boy from this morning is m-' as she was abt to finish her sentence the bell rings signaling us to go to class. sydnie groans making christina and i giggle as she seemed very annoyed at the bell for interrupting her.
christina; 'dont worry syd, we'll tell her in 2nd per since we have that class w her but we should probably b getting to class b4 we're late.' we all laugh as we start going our separate ways, lets hope this first class goes well.
omg heyyy! so uh..i made a jack avery book bc i was bored but pls don't mind the first few chapters, i'm not the best at writing so bare w me. hopefully as this story progresses i get better but if i don't i'm sorry so yeah. also sorry that it's rlly long, i didn't expect it to b this long but wtv, i hope u guys enjoy this book!

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