chapter 6; is that the one and only princess y/n?

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'jack' i say shaking his arm to wake him up even tho i dont want to bc he looks so cute sleeping but i kinda have too. 'mhmm, what do u want' he says w his head still down in a sleepy voice. god his sleepy voice is hot, how, just how?!

y/n 'there's 2 minutes of class left'

jack 'already?'

y/n 'yes jack, you've been alseep for half an hour'

jack 'let me just say, that was an amazing nap' he says stretching his arms while yawning, even his yawning is hot, what the actual fuck?

y/n 'i can imagine, every once ina while ur snoring would get a tiny bit louder *giggles*'

he blushed a bit n looked down. jack avery just blushed- there's no way he just did that, how could i make him blush- just then i was RUDELY interrupted by the bell. ig that's good tho, now i don't have to see jack for the rest of the day. as me n jack were walking out of the library i saw corbyn standing outside the door, ig he was waiting for me here instead of my locker but i rlly don't mind.

corbyn 'took y'all long enough, i've been waiting out here for like 2 minutes'

y/n 'oh shut up n stop complaining, we got out on time'

jack '*chuckles* aye corbyn how long do u think the projects gonna take y'all, the boys wanna hangout later'

corbyn 'uh idk, the projects not due for another 2 weeks'

jack 'then why tf r u guys working on it rn?'

y/n 'u know that's a rlly good question that i can't answer.'

corbyn '*chuckles* yk maybe we'll just go get the things tdy n start working on it later in the week'

y/n 'sounds good enough'

corbyn 'alr, jack ill text u guys when i'm leaving her house'

jack 'ight bro, i'll see u later.'

they do there little bro hug thing and jack just sends me a look. i can't read that look can ether b a bad look or a good look, i rlly have no idea.

y/n 'hey does ashley know we're hanging out?'

corbyn 'i see you've met her *laughs* but no, she usually goes home w sydnie tho so u don't have to worry abt her not getting home'

y/n 'haha, okay.'

i say as we start walking out of school. i could see some ppl staring at us but i rlly don't care at this point, it's not like i like him. just then we got to his car n wow, his car is nice. once we got in, corbyn started the car n we started leaving the parking lot.

y/n 'hey where r we going anyways?'

corbyn 'dude i rlly dk. do u wanna go to target?'

y/n 'to target we go!!'

corbyn 'okay weirdo *laughs*'

during the car ride we got to know each other more n it was actually rlly fun, he's genuinely a rlly fun person to b around.

y/n 'hold on, so ur telling me u and the boys can sing?!'

corbyn 'yup! we all have a small following by doing covers to songs that our fans request. daniel actually has the most bc he was on american idol but other than that we're all around the same in numbers'

y/n 'woah that's so cool!'

corbyn 'it rlly is! how abt u? i mean we have music together'

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