chapter 7; hey what r best friends for

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just then my phone went off w ppl tagging me in a post. me and corbyn both looked at each other w a confused look on our faces b4 i unlocked my phone to see a picture of jake and gabby hanging out at the mall holding hands- gabby, his ex gabby. the gabby he told me all abt, the gabby that i'm constantly getting compared to by his fans, the gabby that 'fucked him up.' corbyn could tell how mad i was getting so he simply turned my phone off and pulled me into another one of his famous hugs. he started whispering sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down but all i was thinking abt was how- how could he do that to me when he clearly told me that he was completely over her. ik i said that i was falling for jack but this hurt me more than i thought it would, maybe i actually do love him n it was never lust all along. just then jake ft'd me. i was hesitant to answer it at first but corbyn made me, here goes nothing.


y/n 'okay'

jake 'look that was an old picture, i promise! i've told u multiple times that i'm over her, u believe me right?'

old picture my ass. how dumb does he think i am? his hairs literally purple in those pictures n he's wearing the same exact outfit, not to mention that's he's at the mall.

y/n 'yeah, sure'

jake 'y/n bby- pls i'm telling the truth!'

pfft, i'm telling the truth my ass. i look up n see corbyn so out of it, we make eye contact n he can tell that i'm so out of it too, nice to know we're both on the same page.

y/n 'look jake-'

jake 'y/n pls'

y/n 'look jake, as u can tell i'm not home n i don't wanna b arguing w u in public.'

jake 'idc, y/n u have to believe me!!'

just then corbyn texted me saying 'turn ur ringer on, i'm gonna keep spamming u n hopefully he'll b able to hear them' just then he started spamming my phone w random letters n his plan worked

jake 'whos texting u?!'

y/n 'my friend, i was supposed to bring something over but u kinda interrupted'

just then corbyn called me n gave me the perfect opportunity to end the call

y/n 'look i gtg, i'm getting another call rn'

jake 'wai-'

and w that i hung up. god whyd that take so long. n to think we had trust in this relationship, ig i was wrong. now thinking abt the question that gabbie asked me earlier, i don't think he's ever made me truly happy, yeah i've been happy whenever i hung out w him but i'm sm happier whenever i hangout w my friends, shit, even the ppl i just met tdy have made me more happy then jake ever has. now what do i do?

corbyn 'yk i don't know him personally and i didn't see his screen but i can 100% tell that he was lying straight to ur face y/n'

y/n 'u don't have to tell me twice. how dumb does he think i am corbyn? he literally said that 'it was an old picture' but if it was old his hair would've been a light pink n his clothes would've looked warned out but no, his hair was purple n u can clearly tell that those r new clothes, especially when he ft'd me, he was wearing the exact same hoodie n u could clearly see that he was at the mall.'

corbyn 'ik and he's dumb for that. just by hearing him otp w u he's not gonna leave u alone until u 'believe' him y/n'

y/n 'or i can play w him too n see how that makes him feel'

corbyn 'yeah that's plan #2.'

y/n 'well technically if i don't answer him tdy then he'll keep spamming me tmr n bobby usually posts the next day so that means the clip that he just filmed is gonna b posted tmr n he's gonna get tagged in that video clip so we'll just wait n see his reaction'

corbyn 'yeah i don't think any of them taught u this petty behavior, i'm not mad abt it tho *laughs*'

y/n 'yeah ur right, they didn't teach me this but it's fineeee! let's go home tho, we got out of school at 3:15 and it's already 5:02, ur moms probably wondering where u r'

corbyn 'let's get going then'

we start heading to the self checkout n bought everything, we ended up splitting the bill n got everything in the car. once i got in i made a gc w all the girls in it n immediately told them abt what just happened. me n corbyn were making small talk on the way home n laughed when he found out why i wasn't talking as much, at least he understands. anyways the girls were so supportive, they loved the plan that i had and even some of them thought that it'd b fun if we played w him even more so we decided that throughout the week i'd post abt corbyn to see his reaction, there's no need to post anything tmr since bobby's posting his vlog but we thought one day at lunch me n corbyn would take a picture together n see everyone's reaction, hopefully this goes well

y/n 'hey corbyn can u help me out w a plan plssssss'

corbyn 'it's to get bk at jake, isn't it.'

y/n 'u know me so well'

corbyn 'alright, what do u want from me'

y/n 'well me n the girls were talking n we thought why don't we mess w him and since bobby's posting his vlog tmr that'll b for wednesday, then on thursday one of the girls can post an insta story of us joking around, then on friday we can take a picture n i can post it w a cheesy caption or sum'

corbyn '*laughs* sure why not'

y/n 'omg tytytytytyty!! wait but ur probably gonna get hate tho, i don't want u to get hate-'

corbyn 'y/n it's fine, i get hate all the time i won't mind a bit more. plus, we know that this is all fun n games n that's all that matters.'

y/n 'okay thank u again for agreeing w this stupid plan n thank u for the ride home. also sorry we spent sm time at target, u could've used that time to hangout w the boys but u hung out w me so thank u again'

corbyn 'ahaha, y/n it's okay, ur fun to b around n tdy was rlly fun other than that ft call. call me if u need anything!'

y/n 'i will n let me thank u again pls, u rlly helped me through tdy'

corbyn 'hey what r best friends for, ahaha. ur welcome, i'll see u tmr bye'

y/n 'bye'

n with that corbyn drove off, i walked in and put all the stuff we bought in the kitchen. i decided to text kian, jc, bobby, corey, franny, sam, and colby b4 they think anything of it cus ik kian, corey, n bobby would make jokes abt me n corbyn n if i didn't tell sam and colby they'd probably b mad at me or something so it's better safe than sorry. 3 mins after i sent the text sam n colby replied saying that they were sorry for jakes behavior n that there in on it. even tho it was only 5:30 i was tired so i decided to go get ready for bed so i took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into some comfy pajamas, as i was laying in bed watching tv i got a text from jack saying 'don't forget to wear a long sleeve tmr, ur gonna need it.' oh wow, what a great way to end my night. we'll just have to wait n see what happens tmr.
omg i'm so sorry this chapters ass, it started off so strong n as it progressed it got worse n worse so sorry abt that but hopefully the next chapter will b better!!

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