chapter 2: meeting 2/5

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as i'm walking to class to i see the same boy from earlier, we make eye contact and he quickly sends me a smirks as he starts walking towards me. me being me the scared person i am, i start to panic not knowing what to do. just then i see my class is just 2 doors down so i quickly run there b4 he could do anything to me. as i'm about to open the door i look back n he mouths 'u got lucky' then walks away. i sigh and walk in. i immediately start getting lots of looks and see that ppl r whispering things again. i look down until the teacher tells me to introduce myself. i look up and see that all eyes r on me...great.
'well um, my names y/n and i'm 17y/o..' i start fiddling w my bracelet not knowing what else to say, just then the teacher tells the students to ask me some questions if they have any. 2 seconds later i see this rlly pretty girl raise her hand and the teacher says 'go ahead tatum' so her names tatum, it suits her.
tatum 'if u don't mind me asking, what made u move here?'
y/n '*laughs* i don't mind, my mom just wanted to move somewhere else so we did and now i'm here, pretty lame story but that's what happened' HA, as if i was gonna tell the whole class the real reason why i came here. i mean i didn't completely lie, my mom did wanna move and now i'm here but that's only a quarter of the story.

tatum 'well it's nice to have u here y/n!'

i smile and she smiles back. wow shes super nice, i hope we can become friends. i quickly snap out of my thoughts when the teacher tells me that i can sit next to 'mr besson'. right as she said that everyone gasped and there eyes widened. i just stood there awkwardly not knowing why they all had that reaction and i also didn't know who the kid was so i looked at the teacher and she told me it was the blond boy in the back. he had his ears pierced, his hair was done rlly nicely, i could tell he had good style, and his eyes were a rlly pretty blueish green color. i have to admit, he's a rlly good looking guy. WAIT NO STOP Y/N, U HAVE A BF RM! KEEP THAT IN UR HEAD! as i was walking to the back of the class tatum stopped me by saying 'b careful pls.' i gave her a weird look as her and the girl she was sitting next to gave me a pleading look. i shook my head then her friend said 'we'll wait for u after class okay?' i give her a slight smile and nodded my head. as i make it to the back of the class he gives me a small smile and let me tell u, HIS SMILE KILLED ME! i decide to give him a small smile back and sat down. as the teacher was talking i kept feeling like someone was looking at me so i turned and saw that the boy was looking at me. i still don't know his name or much abt him other than his last name is besson. he gave me another small smile and said

'yk, ur rlly pretty'
i blushed and said 'thank u...'
i smiled again and said 'thank u corbyn, ur pretty cute yourself'

i need to stop, i have a bf.

i laugh a bit and go back to listening to the teacher. i'll admit, science has always been my favorite subject but theres something abt this boy that makes me like it even more. as soon as i snap back to reality the teacher says that we're gonna start working on a project abt space and i hear corbyn say 'yes' under his breath, i'll admit, that was rlly cute n ig he rlly likes space so that's good too. the teacher then tells us to pick our partners and to start talking abt the project. i turn to face corbyn n to my surprise he's already looking at me, we soon say 'do u wanna b partners?' at the same time and just laugh.
corbyn 'so when do u wanna work on it?'
y/n 'i'm free whenever, jus lmk when u wanna do it'
corbyn 'do u wanna start working on it during lunch?'
y/n 'sure! '
corbyn 'haha okay, can i have ur number?'
i unlock my phone and hand it to him, he does the same w his phone n i put in my number. i then see corbyn taking a picture of himself and i just laugh. god what is this boy doing.
corbyn 'there, now whenever i call or ft u, you'll see this fine ass on pop up on ur phone screen'
i laugh n just shake my head
corbyn 'aren't u gonna do the same?'
y/n 'eh, i don't rlly like taking pictures, i get awkward n dk what to do'
corbyn 'cmon don't b! if it makes u any better i'm most likely gonna b the only one seeing it'
y/n 'idk corbyn, no1s ever asked to do this, not even my boyfriend!'
corbyn 'well he's dumb for that. why wouldn't he ask u to do that, ur literally so pretty!'
i blush n look down mumbling 'thank u..'
i then look up n he's handing me his phone. i grab it but i don't take a picture of just myself, i move closer to him and take a picture of both of us.
y/n 'ur welcome' i giggle
just then the bell rings. i start to put my stuff away and corbyn stands up saying 'i'll see u at lunch y/n' i nod my head and start walking towards the door, as expected tatum and the other girl are already standing outside the classroom waiting for me.
tatum 'what was that?!'
y/n 'what was what..?'
??? 'i mean he didn't hurt u, he didn't make fun of u, he didn't do anything to u, he was actually being..nice ina way and hes NEVER nice to new kids!'
y/n 'pls explain.'
tatum 'well he's a bad boy, his whole friend group are bad boys that like to bully ppl!'
y/n 'ur kidding right? he seemed like such a nice person when we were talking in there!'
??? 'corbyn and zach are the nicest out of there whole group. daniel and jonah r a close second, it takes a while for them to open up to knew ppl but once u get to know them, they're pretty chill n they'll always have ur back. not a lot of ppl have befriended them so it's gonna b pretty hard but if u immediately befriended corbyn then u can definitely befriended zach, daniel and jonah but jack is the worst. try to stay away from him as much as possible. he's the actual bad boy of the group, the other boys won't rlly hurt ppl unless u make them mad but jack finds any excuse to bully someone, once someone messes w him he has it out for that person.'
y/n 'h-how does jack look like?'
tatum 'brown eyes, freckles, curl-'
y/n 'curly hair..?'
??? 'no, u met him already?!'
y/n 'i bumped into him this morning by accident. he told me that i should've looked where i was going n to just wait, then he stared squeezing my wrist pretty hard. things could've gone sm worse but this one girl stopped him and her friend helped me'
tatum 'who were the girls?'
y/n 'there names were christina and sydnie'
??? 'oh thank god.'
y/n 'what?'
tatum 'a lot of girls r 'scared' of christina and sydnie. u rlly wouldn't want to get on there bad side, especially sydnies. jacks her brother so she knows how to get ppl scared. one time she found out that her bf cheated on her n she told jack. he loves his family w a passion n he'd do anything for them so when she told him, he lost it. let's just say if it wasn't for his parents working at the district he would've gotten expelled and with christina, well since christina and sydnie r rlly close ppl tend to not wanna get her mad or get on her bad side bc shes friends w sydnie and shes pretty close w the boys '

great, just great. it's my first day at this new school and i already got into some drama w the schools bully. life can't get any better than this.

y/n 'wow. those girls rlly saved my ass then. thank u tatum and..?'
??? 'gabbie'
y/n 'thank u tatum and gabbie. christina n sydnie were trying to tell me this, this morning but they couldn't bc the bell rang.'
tatum 'its rlly no problem, n u can just call me tate.'
y/n 'well thank u guys again. i should probably get going to class tho'
gabbie 'what class do u have next?'
y/n 'i have language arts w lynch, u?'
gabbie 'we have the same class together! i'll walk w u!'
tate 'haha have fun, i'll see u guys later tho'
y/n n gabbie 'byeee!'

gabbie 'so y/n, u n corbyn huh?' she said wiggling her eyebrows while looking at me
y/n 'omg nooo! don't get me wrong, he's a rlly good looking guy but i have a bf!'
gabbie 'omg rlly? girl i need information abt him asap!'
y/n 'well his name is jake, jake webber. he's a ex vine star now youtube star n yeah. me n him started dating towards the end of sophomore year n we've been going strong ever since.'
gabbie 'i think i've might've heard of him b4 but i'm not 100% on that so don't fact check me but wow, u guys have been dating for a year n a couple months now, hows it been?'
y/n 'it's been rlly good actually, i love him but but the thing is, i've never felt a spark w him yk?'
gabbie 'ik exactly what ur talking abt n it sucks. i was ina relationship w someone a while ago n i felt the same way, i loved him but i never felt a spark w him. we later broke up bc i found out he was cheating on me, i was sad for a couple of days but then i moved on like nothing happened between me n him, he still tries to text me saying he's sorry n that he wants to fix things but i never answer him bc like i said, i never felt a spark w him n i don't wanna go bk to that relationship if i already know it's gonna b the same as last time. the only thing u should ask yourself is r u rlly happy in that relationship, yeah u might love him but r u genuinely happy in that relationship. u don't have to answer it rn bc we're here but just think abt it for a sec.'

wow, i've never thought abt that. i think i'm happy w i? do i genuinely love him or is it just my brain telling me i love him, is it just lust not love? idk, that's for future me to figure out. i snap back into reality when i hear christina n sydnie call me over to there table, i look over to gabbie n she motions for me to go n sit w them. soon enough sydnie gets the memo n asks gabbie if she wants to sit w them. gabbie stands there shocked n i just laughed pulling her to the table where christina and sydnie were sitting.
y/n 'hey guys! as u already know, this is gabbie. i met her in science along w this other girl named tate'
sydnie n christina both smile at each other n back to us
sydnie 'so im guessing u guys already told her abt the boys?' she says looking at gabbie
gabbie 'not completely, we told her who they r n where they stand but we mostly just told her abt jack and corbyn.'
christina 'why corbyn, did he do anything to u y/n?'
y/n 'ahaha no, he's actually rlly sweet! the teacher told me to sit next to him n then she told us we were gonna start a project so me n him became partners. from what i got to know abt him i would've never thought he was a bad boy.'
christina 'yeah him n zach r the 'nicest' out of all 5 of them. corbyn doesn't necessarily hurt ppl tho, that's not the type of guy he is n he rarely does it. the only time he'd hurt sum1 is if they mess w his sister ashely, he loves her to death so he'd to anything to protect her, other than that he just makes fun of ppl n does good in school.'
mhm, nice to know, nice to know.
this chapter is ass so sorry bout it. also sorry that it's long again, i don't rlly know where to end it so that's that but i hope u guys r enjoying this story so far, i promise it's gonna get more interesting as it goes on but this is only the beginning (ha get it, only the beginning..yeah i'll leave now) so bare w me pls. this book is called my bully jack avery so it's gonna b abt jack not corbyn, u guys r jus gonna have to wait n see what happens next. lmao anyways i hope u all have a good day, byeeee

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