Their True Relationships with The Main Male Characters

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Okay, okay, I have to admit that I love shipping Anime Characters, but that's not what important now.

Teamwork means you have to work together with the main Protagonist, regardless of the plan will turn out; it can either end in a positive note or a complete disaster, but at the end of the day, either way how it will work out, everyone completes the job done with their friends and the teamwork that they built.

Luffy and Nami treated each other like family because they are Nakama, and it's more like a brother sister relationship between the two, and even though Nami occasionally hits, yells, and scolds Luffy, at the end of the day, Luffy is her Captain, and she's willing to help him to make his dream come true, the same as Luffy is willing to help her to make her dream come true.

Natsu and Lucy also treated each other like family, and I don't know if they're in love 💘😏, but it looks like it. Sure Lucy is weak without her Gate keys, but if Natsu was there, he'll definitely save her, and if Natsu is in danger, Lucy would do the same thing. Sure that Natsu saves her life and defends her, Lucy actually can hold her own ground whenever she's in danger. At the end of the day, they care about each other.

Rukia treats Ichigo like a brother, you know a lied back, down to earth older brother, and a responsible, working little sister, but they do care for one another. Like Ichigo is willing to risk his life to save Rukia, and Rukia is often concern for Ichigo when he uses to much of his powers when he goes to Hollow Ichigo.

Asuna and Kirito are husband and wife in game, and boyfriend and girlfriend in the real world, and they really cared about one another, so yeah. They love each other, they're willing to die for each other, and they're perfect for each other.

Yet Sakura is the other hand, she doesn't care for Naruto at all. I mean sure that she cares and respected him now, but she hits him, yells at him, taking out her anger at him, and just sees him as if he was expecting to do all the work for her. It's like she only sees him as a doormat, where she can hit him if he did something stupid, and doesn't do the work right.

There a million of examples that she treated Naruto so poorly and horribly at the beginning, only to regret it much, much later on. And she treated Sasuke like this awesome, mature, and smart guy, and the sad thing is that she didn't treat Sasuke poorly and horribly not even once, only she treated Naruto so poorly and horribly, only to regret it much much later!


God... Just when I think Sakura couldn't get any worse than this.

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