Making Hard Decisions for the Good

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In Teamwork, you have to make hard decisions for the sake of your friends and your life. Mainly because you have no other choice, but have to make really hard and difficult decisions.

When Nami learns that Robin turned herself to the World Government, she, along with Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, and Usopp decided to go save her and declares war on the World Government to save her, as she does know that her mother was once a Marine, but still.

Also when Kuma was giving order to annihilate everyone on Thriller Bark, yet he won't do so unless they give up Luffy, Nami and the rest said "HELL NO, WE WON'T DO IT, WE WON'T BETRAY OUR FRIEND!", Even though she probably won't survive, That was really awesome. And when Nami wanted to protect Luffy from taking a blow from Charlotte Cracker, it shows that she'll defend him no matter what, even if her life is on the line. Also when Luffy fell unconscious during his fight with Sanji, Nami slapped him, once again defending Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats.

When Lucy got kidnapped by the Phantom Guild, Natsu saves her, and when she realizes that her father hired the Phantom Guild to bring her home, she wanted to fight too, but she was forced to stand down when the Fairy Tail are willing to risks their lives for her. When she was captured again and got beat up without any mercy, Lucy stood her ground and mocked Gajeel (who was with the Phantom Guild at the time), basically saying that: "You are a Dragon Slayer? Don't make me laugh, I can take whatever you throw at me, since you did attack the Fairy Tail Guild, my family. I know that they'll save me because I believe in them, so bring it on and do your worse!"

That right there is awesome. 😎

And Rukia and Asuna are willing to stand their ground, and defend their friends, family, and comrades.

(The reason why I wrote Rukia and Asuna so short, is because... Of this...)

Now, Sakura... When we first see her, both she and Sasuke have a conversation about Naruto, and she wanted to impress Sasuke by saying this: "Naruto is a nothing, he has no love and he's just a motherless, fatherless orphan Demon Fox, who doesn't understand the love of parents. He doesn't understand what it's like have a parent, because he's an orphan!"

Yikes! And Sasuke glares at her by saying: "Shut up! Don't you dare say that about Naruto ever again!! If I hear you saying that again in front me, I'll hurt you! Leave me alone, because you're so annoying!"

Wow... Talk about a really bad impressed you have their of the audience, Sakura... 🤬

While trying to steal the bells from Kakashi, he told her: "You abandoned Naruto because of your feelings for Sasuke, and you were willing that Sasuke will help you, and you're going to help him, while Naruto is getting attacked. Let me tell you this Sakura: "Those who abandoned their friends, is considered as trash and scum." Even Kakashi called her out on her poor teamwork.

When Sasuke is about to leave the Hidden Leaf, Sakura confessed her love to him by saying: "I love you, Sasuke, in fact I love you so much that I'll do anything for you. I don't care about my family as long as I'm with you. I love you that I don't care if the village hates me or not, let me be with you."

She didn't do anything when Sasuke left to train with Orochimaru... She just cries...

When Naruto, Choji, Kiba, Akumaru, Neji, Lee ,and Shikamaru came back because not only they failed the mission to bring Sasuke back, but six out the seven nearly died while battling the Sound Ninja and Naruto nearly got killed by Sasuke, Sakura... WAS EXTREMELY DEVASTATED THAT SASUKE DIDN'T COME BACK!!!! She wasn't even concerned that Naruto nearly got killed by Sasuke's Chidori, she concern about Sasuke!!! Fucking out of everything!!! 😠

She didn't even care that Choji, and Neji nearly died during their battles with the Sound Ninja! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

While rescuing Gaara, Sakura told Naruto: "Can you at least slow down for a minute, don't go too far from us!" Didn't she realize that both Naruto and Gaara are the same, and Naruto knows that MAIN REASON why both he and Gaara are both targets by the Akatsuki, and Naruto knew that his life on the line to save Gaara? 😤

Also when Naruto got taken over by the Nine Tail Chakra, Sakura ran to him with tears rolling down her eyes saying: "Naruto, you have to snap out it! Don't I'll save Sasuke, so please snap out of it!!" And she got hit by the tail on the arm, basically shot her with this: "You brought this on your own, it's your fault that he grew up lonely, and you didn't even see him as a human from childhood" or something like that, but still.

When Pain attacked The Hidden Leaf Village and Naruto was pined down by him, Sakura didn't even do anything... In fact, it was Hinata who tried to save him, knowing that she won't survive. And when Naruto saw Hinata nearly got killed by Pain, he unleashed the Nine Tails, wanting to avenge Hinata.

You know what Sakura does? SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AT ALL, WHATSOEVER!!! She could've just go the battle field and free Naruto from those Black Rods. She couldn't even freaking do that!

When everyone makes a decision to kill Sasuke because he attacked the Five Kage, Sakura had done this thing that made me hate her even more than I could possibly think of.

She "confesses" her "love" to Naruto, saying that "I love you Naruto, I love you so much, let's go back to the village." 😠😠😠 Fucking Christ sake!

And Naruto calls her out by saying: "I hate it when people lie to themselves." 👏 Bravo on that one. So, Naruto knew that she was lying, because he knows that Sakura loves Sasuke, not him.

And when they left, Sakura thinks that it'll work out, but little did she know, is that she didn't know is that she made it worse.

Sai, feeling extremely bad that Naruto knew that it was a lie, made an Ink Clone of himself, and confirms to Naruto that Sakura was lying and that she intended to kill Sasuke.

Naruto, hearing what Sai, Garra, Obito, and Kakashi said that Sasuke is taking revenge on the Leaf Village, attacking the Five Kage, and Sakura "confessing" was lie, was hyperventilating so badly that he collapsed in front of Kakashi, Yamato, and Sai, and the three are extremely concerned about him.

It shows that Sakura is complete stupid for saying that to the guy who saved her life countless times! Not only that she knocked out Sai, Lee, Kiba, and Akumaru, so that she could kill Sasuke herself, when he's far more powerful than her.

Sasuke, knowing that she was lying, forces Sakura to kill Karin Uzumaki, she was going to do it when Karin, who was critically injured, said, "Sasuke what are you doing??"

It took Sakura a minute to realize that Sasuke was going to kill her with the Chidori, and Kakashi saved her. And when she tried again, her feelings for Sasuke complete clouded her thoughts, and Sasuke grabbed her throat and was about to kill her again, when Naruto saved her at the last minute...

When Neji got killed to save Naruto and Hinata, it was only then Sakura awakens the Strength of Hundred Seal when Neji died... Why didn't she do that before that happened?!


All and all, Sakura makes hard decisions for the completely wrong reasons...

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