Part Three

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I was down for the count
I was down I was out
And I had lost it all
‘Cause I was scared, I was torn
And I took to the night
I’d given in to the fight
And I slipped further down
I felt like I had drowned


The more weeks that went by meant the better I felt, I still had that hole in my heart though I knew it would never close properly. But time was my healer and through evidential time I began feel myself again. I began to re-discover myself and realize all those things I didn’t before because Cory already knew them all for me. I found myself spending more time with Matthew since he met at that coffee shop. He was different to everyone else; he never tried to push me to do things or like the opposite where others wanted me to remain in a big bubble of protection. He always encouraged me to try conquering my fears but yet he never forced me. He knew my limits and my weaknesses and he only let me do things if I was ready. The other week he took me to mine and Cory’s favourite restaurant in the city and he took my hand in his holding it tightly as I gripped onto his as if my whole life depended on it and we left shorty after the starter came because I couldn’t handle it anymore but he understood when enough was enough. That was only one example of his kindness this last month. He met my parents last week and they thanked him for taking care of me when they couldn’t.

I had just finished one of the last final shoots for Season 5 of Glee and arrived home just before midnight. We didn’t normally film til this long but I was behind schedule due to some extra dance routines we had to squeeze in earlier. As soon I got into my home I took my shoes off and felt the instant comfort as the tight material was removed from my heels, I hanged my coat up and felt Shelia tangle herself in my legs, I picked her up and walked into the kitchen and fed her. Once she was okay I headed upstairs towards my bedroom, I changed into some pajamas shorts and a light blue matching vest top. I pulled back my duvet and allowed my body to sink into the foam mattress beneath me.

I woke up with a light layer of sweat on my forehead and hurriedly looked at my phone seeing the time. It was only 3.30am. I saw the light come bursting through my curtains making my heartbeat instantly faster. A loud bang preceded the light and this carried on for the next 5 minutes regularly. I hated lightening and thunder. I always had done. And this was the first storm I had been alone for since Cory passed. I felt vulnerable and scared. I didn’t even realize til I was texting Matthew that he was the one person I needed right now.

you’re not awake by any chance, terrified of storms x’. I sent to him. Something about him makes me calmer. I can hear the words he sends in his texts like they are directed at me, I hear his voice as it sooths my anxieties.

I waited 15 minutes before I settled my phone back down on my nightstand. I was stupid to think he’d still be awake. I knew he told me earlier when he texted me that he had this really big photo-shoot in the morning. I turned and saw another flash and jumped, it was bigger than the last lot. I knew the storm was getting closer. I tried to calm my heart rate down but I heard my doorbell sound. I looked at the time again on my phone and felt suspicious about who would be knocking on my door at this time. I threw my duvet back and climbed out of bed, I picked up a shoe from the floor and walked downstairs to the front door. The shadow was true as it remained like silhouette against the glass amongst the pitch black. I breathed deeply and turned the lock I gasped when I saw Matthew stood hunched over a broken umbrella and wearing a black trench coat for protection against the rain.

I giggled as he walked inside quickly and began to remove the wet layers, hanging them up. I took the broken umbrella and put it into the downstairs bathroom sink to let it dry out. I saw Shelia run across the wooden floor and purr against his leg as he stroked her before walking over with me to the couch.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. I was beyond happy to see him but I knew the commitments he had in the morning and the importance they upheld for him. I had a pretty good idea what he was doing here.

He held onto my hand gently. “You needed me, so come on lets get you back to sleep okay?” I just nodded speechlessly.

We walked up to my room and I watched him remove his top, it was like slow motion as he revealed his abs and highly attractive chest to me. I got into bed and pulled the duvet up to my neck. The bed dipped as he lay besides me and moved his arm pulling me into his side. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. “Lea, I’m here okay? I’m not going anywhere so you can sleep” He reassured me. I closed my eyes and all the sudden childhood fears faded. I had someone who I truly cared about holding me and reassuring me I was fine. 

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