Part Five

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I was hopeless and broken
You opened the door for me
Yeah I was hiding and you let the light in
And now I see
That you do for the wounded
What they couldn’t seem to
You set them free
Like a butterfly kissing a child with an eye for the minor key


Despite being busy with work I knew deep down I needed a holiday. I had been constantly working since Cory’s death and I was beginning to see the effects. I woke up, worked, then went to sleep and that was all my day consisted of. Of course I would see other people during the days or have a quiet afternoon off every now and then but it wasn’t the same. My mom suggested I go away for a long girls weekend and just chill by a pool in some 30-degree plus country and relax. I took her advice and called all the girls over that night and we booked a place straight away on some island a few hours away. I never travelled that far away because of the constant work commitments and I knew that with so many projects ongoing something could happen. However for the first time I felt like that if anything went wrong maybe it had been planned already to be that way.

I packed early the next morning and took my suitcase to the door. Matthew had called and said he would take me to the airport to meet up with the girls before we got our flight. I was sad that he wasn’t coming as he had work commitments that he couldn’t get out of it. Despite it being a girl’s holiday we had invited our partners as we decided the more the merrier. We had already agreed it would be a split holiday therefore spending separate time with our guys but a lot of girly time also. I heard the door sound and then open. I had told Matthew just to walk in now we’d got so close and I trusted him entirely.

“Hey baby” He greeted me with a lingering kiss across my lips. I smiled into his embrace as he held onto me tighter and lifted my feet slightly off the floor as he hugged me.

“I’m sad you’re not going to be there.” I eventually said a few minutes later. We were already in the car and headed towards the airport that was only 20 minutes away.

He sighed. “Me too”. I looked out of the window for the rest of journey, I felt him take my hand and hold it delicately as he continued driving; his main focus being on the road.

We parked into the VIP car park, Matthew got out first, getting my suitcase and another I hadn’t seen before, I didn’t question it at the time though. We locked the car and walked inside. Instantly there were hundreds of cameras in my face. Matthew stood in front of me, taking most of the flash away as we walked through the terminal towards where the other girls and their partners were stood. I hugged them all and said hello to the guys who all kissed my cheek pleasantly.

“Shall we all get going before we miss our plane?” Matthew announced everyone cheered and started walking in front towards the desk where the woman was already waiting to serve us.  I paused when I realized Matthew hadn’t left us yet.

“Baby, you can’t come any further without a ticket you know that” I lower my head realizing this was goodbye for yet another few days. I loved being alone with the girls but since being with Matthew I had just wanted us to be together all the time. Steph tells me that what’s being in love is all about, and I remember feeling the same way about Cory but this is different. I don’t know if it’s out of fear that I don’t want him to go or not.

“Matt just tell her now” One of the lads shouts to us, as he has been cleared and already walking towards the waiting area.

“Tell me what?” I reply.

“I’m coming with you. I sorted out work” he smiles to me as I throw my arms tightly around his neck and he lifts me up as he covers my face in small soft kisses.

“Are you being serious?” I push his shoulder slightly before tightening my grip around him again. I couldn’t even imagine something better happening than what was going to happen. I would be with my best friends and my boyfriend. This vacation had already got better within a matter of seconds.

We all got onto the plane and went through the safety instruction before we took off and headed towards our destination. The whole time I kept sleeping on and off, every time I’d wake up I’d see Matthew staring at me as he watched me sleep, to some they may feel uncomfortable but with him I knew he was doing it to protect me. I felt his lips touch my forehead every so often and his arm sneak its way around my back so I could rest my head on his shoulder as we flew.

A few days into the holiday and I was already feeling myself fully relaxed and nourished again. I was laying down by the pool in the afternoon after we all decided to have some separate time with our partners before a huge meet up for dinner and the evening ahead. I had found a quiet spot by the pool in our hotel and took Matthew’s hand as I dragged him there after he eventually decided to get out of bed.

“Babe, can you rub this onto my back?” I asked him as I turned face down onto my sunbed. I felt his hands rubbing and soothing all the aches and pains against my skin as he continued to allow the moisture to soak. After he did mine I made him do the same position and covered him in the equal and safe amount, you could never to be too safe and having him moan and walk around like a granddad would not be the best way to spend the rest of the week we had together. I kissed his lips gently before getting back onto my bed and pulling my sunglasses back over my eyes.

“Why don’t we go exploring?” Matthew sat up and asked. I nodded eagerly and felt him pull me up as he took my hand and led the way. I had expected him to already go exploring the second we arrived; I knew what he was like. The island was beautiful, covered in palm trees that actual coconuts still connected to the ends. There was a faint breeze that hit the side of my neck cooling my down every time.

He headed towards one of the beaches. There were several connected however the waters all had different qualities about them, one was mainly used for sunbathing and casual swimming, another was known for snorkeling and marine life. We walked along the one with the marine animals and I would point out excitedly every time I saw a baby turtle trying to get it’s way back into the water. As we carried on I saw one struggling to get back, but really struggling, I bent down and picked it up, the small animal struggled but soon clamed down when he realized I wasn’t a threat, I walked towards the water, kicking my feet out of the flip flops and feeling the warm water hit my toes as I walked into knee deep to place the small turtle onto the moving calm wave. I stood for a few seconds as I watched him swim away with his friends.

The week had ended and everyone was in the queue ready to the board the plane. No one wanted to leave as everyone continuously groaned the closer they got to the end of the line where you gave in your ticket and went into the departure lounge to head back home. I had my body rested against Matthew as his arms snaked around my waist to keep me standing up straight. We had got in late last night and up at dawn for the flight was slowly tying me out. I yawned and laughed as he rolled his eyes before kissing my cheek.

We got onto the plane and within a few hours were back at LA and then a further hour later once we had our luggage and headed back home I finally sat down my own couch and breathed a sigh of relief to finally be home. Matthew was planning on staying that night as he had already promised to take me to my book meeting the next day so it made more sense and I liked having him with me. It would have felt so weird to not have him next to me tonight. “I’ll be right back” he winked and I waited patiently. I curled my feet up underneath my leg and smiled when he came back with a small bag. I looked at him questioningly before I opened the plastic up. I screamed quietly before throwing my arms around him.

“Are you being serious baby?” I held my hand against my face. I pulled out the cuddly toy of the turtle and the certificate it came with. Matthew had adopted me the small turtle I had helped back into the water. I knew it was the same one as in the picture as it had the random spot on the top of its head.

“I love you” I kissed his lips. 

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