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3RD P.O.V  .... 

Beyond the forest lies a beautiful city named Krising. In this village a young boy named Gulf. He was the heart throb of his village . Not only for his physical beauty but also his nature. As an orphan , most would expect him to be a thief but he never let that bring him down and till this day he always gifts and greetings every time he walks the street like today.....

"Morning Gulf ", was all he heard as he left the bakers shop to his house. Most people will think he is a girl at first sight due to long hair in a ponytail form, his smooth tanned skin and those red lips as beautiful as roses. Everyone would indeed say this boy's parents are blessed but his stepmother thinks not.

Gulf's mother died due to the burning her resturant when he was 5 and to help Gulf have a mother figure he remarried and she brought a boy named Bright who was a year older than Gulf. She treated Gulf nicely until his father  also died then his step mother became evil. She made the boy's life a living hell ,making him work all day and even forbide her son to ever talk to him. She also stole his properties and all sort of things to the boy but he never broke his spirit.

After arriving home, Gulf went straight to work . He washed the dishes and clothes cooked and did all other chores before night time. As the evening brought itself , Gulf was ready to leave but was immediately halted by his step-mother." Gulf were are you off to,"she asked in an angry tone." I-I amm ....gonnnaa",he could not her he was heading in fear of her beating him but soon heard a loud sound on his cheek....."slap"," you whore. So you sell yourself out to others for money huh. What would they say....ohhh...I see I am sure they say I am a bad woman ...RIGHT. 

His stepmom was now beating the hell outta him. He tried to explain were he went but the woman did not give a shit about it . She beat him till she felt a hand on her  arm." Mae .....what are you doing!?", Bright yelled as he stopped his mom. He was cool with Gulf so it was a bit shocking to witness the scene." Baby ,this crap here whores at night for money now", she said as she tried to hit Gulf." No . He only goes for a walk at night besides I always see him", Bright lied cause he was not gonna allow this continue." Gulf please go ok..", he continued and without a second thought he ran out of the house.

In pain and sorrow  , the young boy run to the bridge and wept his heart out. He soon took his mask as he did not want anyone to recognise him." Mae, Por I .....miss you na.....I tried to be strong but I can't ....please if you are listening gemme a sign of hope..... I miss you so bad", he said looking up the clouds then he began to sing.......

Not long after he started, Mew and his gang heard him." Tum that is the voice", the other said as the rest began to hear it. They just like Tum and Tar did followed it until they saw him. Mew checked the guy out in all his glory but the Thorn's dumb ass stepped on a branch.

As soon as Gulf heard the branch break , he quickly got off  and run into the forest home. Mew growled at Thorn then said to two guards," follow the boy and report back what you saw."" Sir yes sir", they both saluted and left. The rest went back in their tents to sleep except Mew who was still facinated by the boy's beauty. Although he only saw his side part , he saw that the boy was a beauty to behold........." who are you mystery singer?", was what lingered in his head as he began to fall asleep......

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