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3RD P.O.V.....

As soon as Mew exited, all turned to Bright who took off the mask," do you know the man we seek", Thorn asked," yes I do. Thst man is my half brother", he said then his mom spoke up," no he lies. We don't...."" mother enough . I am tried of your lies. My mom here sacked him saying that he can never take my glory or sometin' like that."" Why is that", The king asked. "Your majesty Gulf and I are both musically gifted but he is much better than I. When my mother heard about the feast, she beat him, made him  work all day and finally sacked him out ", Bright said as he biteerly looked his  mother........

Mew run fast till he got to the brigde he looked around but did not find him." My voice were are you!" Mew yelled in his tears as he could not find Gulf. He never understood why but he always felt like  he has known the mystery boy forever. As Mew queitly sat  on the bridge ,crying silently, he heard a voice beaneath him. He did not look down but soon heard who ever the person yell," goddess Mame are you happy huh? For  13 years she has abused I always cry to you for help but what do I get in return , more pain. I will end it now. Take my life I am tired of it".

Mew was to check when he heard a loud splash. He rushed below the bridge and only saw boots. On instinict he jumped in and swam in search of who ever it was . Just like destiny or goddess wants to happen he saw the man who had jumped . He swam closely and held his hand as he begun to swim for shore. Fear griped him when the boy looked lifeless so he got closely and kissed him

 Fear griped him when the boy looked lifeless so he got closely and kissed him

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They finally swam up shore as he dragged the body in. When he laid him down he studied his handsome yet beautiful features. From his plump lips to cute ears he captured it all.

After an hour or so Mew's friend showed up as Mew carried Gulf into the chariot." Is he okay", Tum asked with worry ." Yes he just has some water in him let's take him back", the king said and all nodded as Thorn starts the chariot.

Back in the palace, the king had arrested Miss Chivaree. He sentenced her to 50 years in the dugeon of no mercy for being this cruel to the boy. Her son however did not object cause he had of his mother's  torture. Not long after , Mew entered with Gulf un bridal style," No", he called out to one the servants," take him up and prepare him well . No bowed as he sent Gulf in and Champ pouted ." You ain't getting none tonite", Win laughed  at his brother who was now glaring at him.

The next day, Gulf woke up in a room instead of heaven." So they have rooms in heaven", he said as he  continued to rub his eyes." No  silly . You are a castle", No said as brought a plate of food for  Gulf." did I get here ...ummmmm", He asked as he did not know the olders name," Techno but call me No and about your question......", No explained all what happened yesterday  ......

After their chat No showed Gulf around and then brought him to the kings. They asked him some questions and finally put the question foward. Gulf answered shortly  with a yes. Although he loved his kingdom, he wanted to get away for a while and now is his chance." Then pack cause we leave tomorrow", Thorn said and Gulf quickly run off............

In KiriWat......

"So the king has found huh?" The socerer asked ," yes my lord and news said they with arrive tomorrow", the other said.." oh stupid Mew.....hahaha.......let the games begin.............


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