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GULF P.O.V......

After the feast , I was officially accepted as the royal singer which I did well. I began to sing for the king himself . Life became favourable for me . King Tharn who I now call P'Mew  began to shower me with flirts and gifts but I don't want it to seem that I am forcing him and like today he  took me to a pinic near lake Orawan.

"Thank you for the lunch Phi", I say as I wipe the bread crums off my lips," no problem. It is just an act of kindess for saving my father", he replies and then we fall into a good kinda silence while staring at the lake. I caught him looking at me every now and then but I shrug it off as I don't want to repeat what happened few years to occur.

"Are you sad", I hear him say as I left my thoughts." Huh....what why do you think that"? I say smiling," cause a second a go you looked kinda like that with tears about to fall", I did not know what to say so I jumped into the lake and yelled," wanna swim Phi".

He soon got up and took off his robe to reveal his sexy body . Like I knew he was hot we he fought but this was just chest  nipples...and those packs.... arrrgh Mame....... As if he read my thoughts he yelled," you like it huh?", I soon sumerged myself underwater to avoid him seeing me blush.

Just like that we spent the whole day swimming and having a blast. We eventually dried of and went back home. Tonight was a night of feasts to make harvest season so I had to prepare my voice as I would give them a song at the occasion.

Major time skip.......

Just like every other occasion,  everyone is dressed and all that. I really don't want to talk about it cause it will waste the author's time so lets just go straight to Phi's speech.

3RD P.O.V.......

All bowed as Mew took the stage to deliver his serious speech.(blah,blah blah blah blah )And as your King I have stayed 7 years without a wife but that changes today. With the Moon and you all as my witness, I King Tharn the 2nd would ask the MAN of my dreams, who brought joy in my dark days to marry me . Gulf Kanawut will you be my queen.

All eyes turned to Gulf who was shocked beyond compare. Him why him. What does he have why why.......was all he thought as Mew called him. Indeed he loved Mew but what happened years ago had stopped him to proclaim his love for the other. Not knowing what to do ,he run out and did not bother to listen to anyone who called him......

MEW'S P.O.V.....

"What happened now .......why did he leave me alone....I..I thought he only loved me .....he run out on me....... why why", was  all I mumbled as I went outside. Tum and Tar were beside me trying to hold me but I broke out of it  and run out. I knew were he would be by now so I hurriedly went there.

As I approached , I heard him crying," I loved him Mame... but...after P'San...I...I can't love any longer....I am scared goddess......I love him too but I just can't". What? He is scared and that San  guy, why do I need to kill him.....urgh I need answers...

I went close and slowly began to speak," Gulf can we talk",he slowly turned and his teary eyes met mine I felt like dying." Mew I .... am.....sorry.....please...find ...someone ....else", he said in tears. I hugged him tightly as the cried all over my wuth robe," Its okay....shhh....P'San won't hurt you." I whispered as I tried to know who P'San is.

He shortly stopped the tears and began the story of him and  San.....

"I was 18 , when I met him. He was the most handsome man in my land and had everyone he desired but he said he had eyes for only me so I agreed. We began to go out and he started getting touchy. I told him that I was not ready to which I thought he agreed. On the night of his 27 birthday he sent me home to celebrate. At that time his father was an army general who wanted grandkids so frowned on our relationship so we hid it"

He took a deep breath and continued

"We went to his room were ....he....tried have sex. I wanted to yell but he threatened to tell everyone thst I forced him so I complied . He took me that night and promised to stay with me till he dies....but .....he lied. The next day his father cane in and saw us in the bed naked and instead of fighting for us......he told his father that he got drank and I forced him.
The news eventually got out and everyone believed them and all I geard for two years was hurtful words and insults at me. This went on for two years then oneday  stopped but I never wanted to know how it happened and promised never to fall in love again......that is why Phi... I am still scared".

He finished and I was proud cause he finally said it all. We sat for a while and then returned home. As we arrived, I saw all my friends at the gate waiting for me all with worried expression. I simply told them that Gulf is not ready for mariage but I think my bros. are not convienced but I did not care all I wanted was for Gulf to be safe which led to him sleeoing in my court that night. Hey! What can I say I am that in love with the boy♡♡♡♡♡♡

3RD P.O.V .......

At about midnight, Gulf began to here people or aperson whisper un his ears ." Get up child ,go to the grandroom or else Phi will leave you". At first Gulf cared not but  soon the voices became louder so he lit a candle and went to the room as told.

"Good boy", Gulf heard as he stood in the room," wh... who are you and ......want do you want..", he said shivering." You will find out soon enough", was what he heard before he blacked out.......

"Ahh...finally I have you Mew now in my grasp.......sweet dreams boy.....hahahaha..", Longh said before he dragged the unconcious boy away.......


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