Chapter 1

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Chloe's pov:
My alarm went off but as usual I ignored it. It went off again and I rolled over to see the time. It read, 8:00.
"Holy potatoes!" I almost yelled and jumped out of bed but fell off instead.
"Time to get ready!" I yelled at the top of my voice. I plugged my iPod into my speakers and put it on shuffle. I turned it to maximum volume and skipped to the bathroom. I took the worlds fastest shower and brushed my teeth. I washed my face and added no makeup. It's just not my thing, I find it itchy. I chucked on some denim shorts and a random t-shirt saying 'I heart pizza.' I also put on my white converse. My parents always tell me to put better clothes on to show out status. Yes I'm from a rich family but I don't like showing that. Once I brushed my straight brown hair, I tied it into a high pony.
"Okay now it's Chloe time!" I sang. I had a 5 minute dance party then I unplugged my iPod and put in my ear phones. I chucked my backpack on and ran downstairs.
"BREAKFAST!" I yelled. I knew I was home alone but I like yelling stuff so yeah. I was getting late so I quickly spread Nutella on my break and ate it really fast.
"Chloe Horan beats the world record for being the fastest person eating a Nutella sandwich. Thank you! Thank you!" I bowed. I literally bolted out the door. And danced my way to school while listening to DNA by Little Mix. I got the usual odd stares but who cares. YOLO RIGHT! I arrived at school just in time and did a victory dance.
"Well Miss Horan you seem very happy!" Mr Clark said walking to me.
"Yup the usual. How's life!" I smiled.
"My life is great. The question used to be 'how are you?' or 'how's your day going?' But know I guess it's 'how's life!" He said with a smile.
"Yes the evolution of questions. And FYI my life is AMAZEBALLS!" I said pretending to fly to English. My day went pretty good and after school I had to run to the cafe. I work one shift a day over there. Since I am graduating next week I decided to take some job experience.

Zayn's pov:
We just came back from our tour and I'm staying at Bradford for a while. My girl friend is coming to visit this weekend and I'm so exited. I was out in a cafe with Doniya so I could spend more time with her.
The waiter hopped towards us with a note pad.
"Is your leg okay?" I asked looked at her standing on one leg.
"Never better!" She smiled.
"Then why are you on one leg?" Doniya asked.
"Ah the question is why are you on two?" She smiled. "Haha I'm kidding, I'm on one leg because um... Ah... Haha I don't even know!" She laughed and put her leg down. Okay? Weird girl...
"Can I take your order. The special today is the iced chocolate and the Chocolate cheesecake... Blah blah blah and like ya!" She said all sassy.
Doniya gave me a stare indicating that she thought that she was weird. I smiled and gave the order.
"Okay thank you! By the way I'm Chloe! What's your name?"
"Well in Zayn and this is my sister Doniya." I smiled.
"Oh lucky! I have always wanted a sibling. But probably an older sibling because younger ones would probably be annoying." She frowned.
"SORRY SIR!" She hopped away on one foot waving to us.
"That was weird?" Doniya chuckled.
"Agreed!" I smiled.

Chloe's pov:
I walked home after my shift. Yes I a walked home, I didn't dance, hop, jump or run home. I had a car but I preferred walking. The streets were quiet so I decided to sit in the park for a while. Obviously I went on the swings first because I loved the feeling of the wind going through my face. I saw a little boy running around in the grass in front on me. He looked so happy and that reminded of my childhood. I was always a playful child and always stayed happy. He little boy fells down and started crying so I ran off the swings to him.
"Don't worry, emergency services are at your service!" I said in a deep voice and helped the boy up. He wiped his tears and smiled.
"Do you like horses?" I asked. He nodded.
I gestured him to hop on my back and we played horsies! We laughed and played for a while until him mother came.
"Hi I'm Chloe. I have to say your son is really fun." I laughed. She laughed and picked up the little boy.
"I'm Jen and this is my son, James." She shook my hand.
"Well it was great meeting to Sir James. You make quite a handsome knight." I smiled. He laughed and clapped. They walked away and I went to the swings to get my backpack. James was so lucky to have a caring parent. My parents never come home but they do get s butler to check on me once a month. I haven't seen them for five years. I sat down by a tree and took out my sketch book. I started drawing the playground and I saw that guy from the cafe walking around. What was his name? Zayn? Yup that's it. Then I remembered where I knew him from. He was one of the guys from One Direction. I waved at him and yelled "Hi!" Which got his attention and he walked towards me. I closed my sketch book and shoved it in my backpack and stood up.
"Hi, aren't you from that cafe?" He asked.
"Yup" I smiled.
"I saw you playing with that boy. Was he your cousin?" He asked.
"No just some random kid I made friends with!" I laughed. I looked at my watch and it was getting late.
"Well I better be off, bye" I jogged off.

Zayn's pov:
She jogged off her phone fell out of her bag. I smiled and picked it up but when I stood up she was way ahead. I got into my car and followed her. Weird? I know but oh well. She started hopping over the cracks on the pavement. She sure is something. I laughed and continued driving. She stopped at this massive house. You could say who ever owned it was a millionaire. She was about to unlock her door when she looked down. Her shoelaces of her converse were untied. She rolled her eyes and shook her foot. I got out of the car and walked towards her.
"Hey you forgot your phone!" I gave her the phone.
"Oh thanks and if you think that I didn't see you following me, you're wrong" she winked.
My face went red and I smiled.
"Hey do you know how to tie shoelaces?" She asked. I nodded and bent down.
"You don't know?" I asked kind of surprised.
"No one taught me, I would normally ask my neighbours to do it!" She said seriously.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Here let me teach you!" I showed her a billion times.
"Nope I don't get it!" She said again and again.
"It's too hard!" She jumped up and down like a five year old.
"How about you record it and try at home!" I said. After she recorded it I stood up and said bye.
"Tell me when you've mastered it, I put my number in." I said as I driver off.
"Bye!" She yelled so loud. I'm not surprise I heard it from a street away.

Chloe's pov:
I spent the afternoon learning to tie my laces. I looked at my phone to see if Zayn added his number. I said "Zayn is so sexy!" Really? I changed the name to "Zayn the stalker" and saved it. Haha that serves him right.

**Hi people. This is my new Fan Fiction. I normally do Niall ones but I thought I might do a Zayn one this time. By the way I ship Zerrie but this is just a fan fic. So yeah! Enjoy!
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