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Hello! It's me, Bonsai. Welcome to my oneshot book, aka me being too much of a mood. (Quote from an_f-14_tomcat.)

An AU sort of inspired by the book (also webtoon) Not Even Bones

Basically countries are like their cultural mythical creatures

They live on an island with humans that can see them

Researching the myths and assigning them to countries was a lot fun!
(pFFT imaGinE NEpAL aS biGfoOt)

⬆69 words 

TW: Mentions of murder, a lot of the characters are morally gray

This can get confusing, so feel free to ask away in the comments if you're confused.

The streets of Bangkok, Thailand
(By 'of' I mean Bangkok has influence over it)

"Where is it..." Canada frowned, his sharp nails clawing over the flimsy paper map.

America hissed in annoyance. The people-filled streets and uneven alleyways in the area were an absolute pain to navigate. Neon lights shined from every corner, blinding him every time he made the mistake of looking up. He hated how street vendors kept grabbing his jacket sleeves, trying to sell him trinkets for an all-too expensive price.

In fact, he had hoped the worn-out baseball jacket would help him keep a low profile, but he was actually getting more stares and glances from adults and children alike than Canada, who was unnervingly tall and was constantly shooting hungry looks at the civilians below. And he wasn't exactly being discreet about it.

"Ah. I think we made wrong turn here." Canada's expression revealed his stained sharp teeth, startling multiple people around them, who backed away, whispering to each other in Thai. "So if we trace our steps back to the street- you remember, Ame, the one with the stray kitty?"

America nodded. He didn't really know what he was talking about- but as long as Canada got them there, he could agree with anything he said.

"Alryyyth. Follow me." Canada gripped America's wrists, pulling him backwards.

"Dude- Did you even take your pills this mornin'?" America lifted up his hand, than abruptly pulled it back, although he hadn't been holding anything.

Canada doubled over, all color draining from his face.

"UgH- Ame-" He gasped, collapsing on the concrete sidewalk, his claws forming and digging into the street.

"You're pathetic." America chuckled. "Why do I even keep you around?" He questioned to himself. Swinging his hand back forward, he gave Canada a rough pull of the arm off the ground. "We're starting to attract attention because of you." He growled.

He was right. A small crowd of gawking humans had gathered around them. They definitely keeping their distance, but also trying to see what was going on.

America sharply turned his head, glaring at a a middle-aged woman to his right. She blinked nervously for a moment before severing eye contact, stumbling a few steps back.

She didn't get very far.

America snapped his fingers, and suddenly the woman was on her knees, clutching her throat. Gasping, she opened her mouth to cough, but nothing came out. She kept making a desperate gurgling noise- as if she was pleading for it to stop, but her ability to speak had been taken away.

The crowd began to panic. The ones at the front turned back, shouting in panicked Thai as they tried to flee, shoving into the confused people behind them, who were pushing to get to the front as they tried to figure out what was going on, and soon the street turned into a chaotic mess as terrified civilians trampled over one another in an attempt to get out.

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