The wonderful aspects of being a ghost

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The apartment was altogether dirty. Dust was laying on top of every single piece of furniture and the carpets had some weird looking, undefinable stains in them. One of them looked like blood. Also, it smelled really weird. Like cats and old people.
I hated this place already.
The worst part was: We'd have to spend a lot of time in here for the next few days, maybe even weeks.
But One said she would be important to our mission. None of us knew much more besides the fact that we would need her to infiltrate and kill some drug lord who had ruined thousands of lifes.
I wasn't a fan of drugs (apart from alcohol of course, but that didn't count). I had only tried a joint once when I was about 15, and immediately regretted it. (I threw up. It was really bad.)
I haven't laid hands on any kind of drugs ever since.
I turned to One, who was busy carrying some bags into the living room.
"Couldn't you have rented something... a bit more clean? "
"This was the nearest apartment to hers that was free. And stop complaining. This is pure luxury compared to where I grew up."
I looked at him with curiosity. This was the second time this week he had mentioned his childhood. I felt like he was beginning to open up to us a bit more. Maybe he would tell me more about his past if I asked him. It was worth a try.
"Where did you grow up?"
But he just gave me one of his expressionless looks.
"Make yourself at home, guys. This is gonna be fun."


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(Please let me know what you think of it tho. Prettyplease)

This is a short chapter. I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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