Chapter 1

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Blue diamond was in her daughters room holding her while on the rocking chair. She was trying to get her to fall asleep for a few hours. Yellow came into the room.

"Still can't get her to sleep?" Blue shook her head.

"No I've tired singing to her, I tried feeding her, I tried rocking her to sleep and nothing's working!" Yellow thought for a moment.

"Give her here."

Blue happily complied. Yellow went to Iris's crib and placed her in it and gave her the teddy bear blue made her. She covered her daughter in a blanket then put on a lullaby on the bear on a moon sleeping that you cranked up at the bottom. She then laid on the ground beside her and put her hand in the crib. Iris held yellow's finger. Blue went over and laid beside yellow they both watched as their daughter fell asleep.

"How did you know that would work?" Blue asked.

"I just."

She yawned and drifted off to sleep. Blue smiled and cuddled up to yellow. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Hours later both diamonds woke to a loud cry. However it wasn't right by them. Blue and yellow sat up and saw a hooded figure holding their daughter who was squirming in their arms. Yellow got up and started going towards them

"give us back our baby now!" She shouted the person looked at her and ran off to the balcony. Yellow and blue went to the door.

"You have no where else to go. So I suggest you give her back before I shatter you." Yellow told them.

"You wouldn't want to hurt your little one though would you?" They spoke in a cunning voice.

Yellow clenched her fist electricity surrounded it.
"Give her back now!"

The two of them saw a huge grin before they jumped off the ledge with iris. The two diamonds ran to the railing and looked down no one was down there. Blue slid down the railing and sat on the ground. She had tears in her eyes.

"They t-took her. They took our baby!" She shouted.

Yellow bent down and held blue's hands.

"We'll find her. They couldn't have gotten far. I'll send gems to look for them right away. I'll look to okay."

"Okay." Yellow caressed blue's cheek "Now why don't you try and get some rest."

"But I can't sleep not without knowing she's safe" yellow helped her up "then at least lay in bed can you do that for me?" She nodded.

Blue hugged her wife tightly and sobbed "please find her." Yellow held her.

"I will my darling. I promise."

As soon as Blue was in bed yellow had went and ordered multiple gems to search for her daughter. Yellow had looked outside and around palace for hours until their sun started to rise in the sky. Yellow defeated went back to the palace and into her and blue's chambers. She went to her bedroom and saw blue curled up in a ball on the bed clutching Iris's teddy bear. Yellow went behind blue and spooned her.

"Y-yellow? Did you find her?" Yellow shook her head. "No I looked all around the palace and a few miles away from the palace and nothing. I'm sorry."

Blue started shaking. "What if she's shattered by now!" Blue shouted.

"She's not shattered blue." Yellow assured her.

"You don't know that!" Yellow sighed.

"Your right I don't but all we can do right now is hope."


blue turned around in yellow's grasp and buried her face in yellow's chest.

"We'll find her blue."

Iris had fallen asleep in the strangers arms taking in their warmth. The person soon placed her down on the sand then vanished. An hour passed when the child woke up and realized that it wasn't a dream and her mothers weren't there with her. She started to cry loudly. The crystal gems were in the temple when they heard the cry.

"What is that?" Amethyst asked

"I think it's a baby." Pearl said

"we should go and see if it's okay" garnet told them.

"But what if it's a trap?" Pearl asked. Garnet looked at her.

"I doubt homeworld gems know what a baby sounds like"

they went outside and saw a basket on the sand they went over and saw a baby. There was a note garnet read it.

This is iris.
She needs a home to take care of her better than her parents ever will.

The note wasn't signed.

"Odd" garnet picked up the crying baby and held her.

"Garnet we should bring it to a orphanage. We don't have enough space for a baby" pearl told her

"we have plenty space and plus we watch steven and he's a toddler." Garnet said.


"Come on pearl let garnet keep the baby it'll be fun." Iris stirred in garnets arms.

They looked at her as she opened her eyes. The gems gasped.

"She's a diamond!" Pearl shouted. "Only a baby one"

"She could have been sent here to kill us!"

"A baby?" Amethyst asked

"when she grows up!"

"So we won't let that happen we'll raise her with us. She won't be a harm to anyone. Isn't that right little one?"

Garnet touched the child's nose and smiled. Iris giggled and gripped garnet's visor off of her face and smiled.

"She's gonna be a great addition to the crystal gems."

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