Chapter 4

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(The image is blurry on purpose)

Iris's eyes shot open due to a shout she heard down stairs. She got up and went down the stairs. The gems and Steven was in the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Iris asked rubbing her eyes.

"I get to go on another mission!" Steven shouted 

"Can I come too?" Iris asked.

"Sorry iris you're still too young to go." Pearl told her Iris pouted.

"That's not fair." She crossed her arms.

"Iris these missions we go on are dangerous and we don't want you to get hurt. Especially around corrupted gems" Garnet said

"B-but I."

Garnet held her hand up

"it's for the best okay."

She looked down and nodded.


The gems and Steven went on the warp pad. Garnet and Steven made a heart with their hands to iris. Iris made a heart with her hands and smiled before they warped away. Iris sighed and went to her room until the gems got back. And knowing that they're looking for another corrupted gem it'll take a long time. She started to feel angry.

"It's not fair! Steven's friend gets to go on missions and she's a human!"

She flopped on her bed.

"I just wanna be included too."

Iris said as she fell asleep. When she awoke she was a baby crying. It was dark and felt kinda cold but then she felt a warm embrace around her

"Oh yellow she's beautiful."

She heard someone say. She made a noise then opened her eyes and saw two blurry people one blue the other was yellow. She saw the blue woman's face become clear when the woman went closer to her. Iris reached her hand up and grabbed her nose. The blue lady smiled.

"Hello to you too my little flower."

"Her eyes are like both of ours my dear." Yellow woman said.

"yeah. She's so small I feel like I might accidentally hurt her." Blue said.

"You won't love. You're very gentle."

Blue leaned on yellows shoulder.

"Would you like to hold her?"

"Are you sure?" Blue nodded

"She's your child too my love."

Iris was moved from blues arms to yellows. Iris was confused so she started crying.

0What do I do??"

"Try to rock her maybe she'll calm down." Blue told her.

Yellow rocked iris in her arms for a while. Then iris woke up in her bedroom. She heard steven talking to his dad about what happened. She rubbed her eyes and headed down stairs.

"What happend on your mission?"

"We found the corrupted gem and bubbled it. It was pretty hard but we managed." Steven told her.

"sounds like it was fun." She mumbled.

"Oh no it was not fun." Pearl lied.

They had a fun time when they weren't battling the corrupted gem.

"I told Steven we can go out for dinner and since you didn't get to go with us we thought that you could choose were we go." Garnet said

"okay!" She said excitedly.

On the inside she was still upset about it she just wanted to act like she wasn't. They had ate at a new restaurant in beach city. On their way home iris was walking along with garnet while the other three were up a head by just a bit.

"Will I ever get to go on a mission?" Iris asked looking at her feet.

"Tell ya what. Tomorrow I'll take you on a mission just the two of us." Iris smiled and looked up at her.

"Really?!" Garnet nodded

"yes but it has to be a secret, no one else can know okay?" Iris nodded.

"Okay I won't tell anyone."

Iris reached and held garnet hand as they walked. When they got back home iris was feeling tired so she went to get her pyjamas on. She went into her bed. Garnet came in to her room and went over to her. She tucked iris in and kissed her forehead.

"Good night iris." Iris yawned. "Good night garnet"

iris slowly drifted off to sleep.

Here's a drawing of how iris would first see yellow.

Both drawings weremade by me

Both drawings weremade by me

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