uraraka ochako

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"Suspect number one has been sighted, turning the corner by the chocolate shop," Ururaka whispers into her comm piece. With Hatsume's multi purpose binoculars and her rooftop vantage point, Ururkaka can easily keep track of the main suspect's whereabouts.

"Copy," she hears Kirishima answer. "Bakugou and I are approaching from down the street."

There's a small crackle from Bakugou's end as he grumbles, "We should just blast up there and take her out right now."

Ururaka giggles as she hears Kirishima sigh, "Bakugou, you know that's not the point of the assignment. This is about recon and stealth, we can't have the suspect notice they're being tailed."

"If they're a fucking suspect, then they shouldn't be allowed to walk around acting all fucking suspicious, huh?"

"Bakugou, please focus on the assignment at hand," Iida's voice comes through the speaker.

"Exits one and three have been sealed," Todoroki's voice follows. "Yaoyoruzu is on exit two, where she will be waiting with the tapping device."

Everything seems to be going according to plan thus far, aside from Bakugou's grumbling. Which is how Ururaka can tell something is... off. Their teachers have never been ones to let heroics class be so simple as that.

And then Ururaka sees it. "Guys, a second figure is approaching the suspect. They are carrying a briefcase, and based on the binocular's thermals, I have reason to believe this may be our evidence."

"I'm going the fuck in," Bakugou responds, already stomping his way over.

"No!" Iida shouts, making everybody cringe at the volume in their ears. "We cannot make a move without evidence yet. Kirishima, stop him!"

"I don't know, I think he's right," Kirishima answers himself, following Bakugou's heels. "We need to get closer to get that evidence. If the transaction is completed now, the tapping device will be useless."


"Don't worry, I have a plan. Ururaka, you approach from above. Todoroki, come in from the west. Nobody make a move though, this might not actually be sufficient evidence."

And with that, Kirishima catches up to Bakugou and takes his hand in his. They're on the other side of the shop of the suspects' rendezvous point, and Kirishima begins talking loudly enough for his voice to carry up to where Ururaka sits on the roof.

"Aw, babe!"

"What the fuck do you–" Bakugou's voice is muffled by Kirishima's hand covering it.

"I know you love chocolate, let's go check out that shop over there!" Kirishima continues.

The first suspect looks up at them briefly before turning away, disinterested. Meanwhile, Ururaka keeps her eyes on the second figure who is turning the corner behind Kirishima. He stills when he spots them and loiters in the alleyway, peeking around the corner. Ururaka whispers into the comm, "Kirishima, Bakugou, the other suspect has spotted you. I don't think he's going to come out until you guys leave."

"Copy," Kirishima mumbles, and then turns his attention back to Bakugou. "Babe, your eyes are so distracting," he calls out before leaning in and pushing Bakugou up against the wall.

Ururaka gasps. From the vantage point she's at, it almost looks like they're... kissing. But then she sees Kirishima's eyes slide over to the second suspect who seems to deem neither of them a threat and finally walks out to meet their original suspect.

Meanwhile, below, Kirishima pulls away from Bakugou and drags him to the window of the shop until he's walking backwards, facing Bakugou.

"He's opening the case!" Ururaka whispers, eyes open wide as she readies herself to jump down.

At that moment, Kirishima, arms waving wide as he babbles, "Wow, this place is pretty cute, why don't we come out here more–" crashes backwards into the two and the briefcase clatters open. It's then that Ururaka notices two things – one, Bakugou was leading Kirishima into a collision course with his fingers wrapped around Kirishima's hips and two, what falls out of the briefcase.

"Oh, my apologies!" Kirishima says. His hand is running through his hair as if embarrassed, but he's pressing his comm simultaneous. "I wasn't really watching where I walked, but I'm glad nothing happened."

"It's fine," the briefcase owner chuckles, picking himself up along with the bundles of chocolates that had fallen out of his bag. Kirishima continues to apologize while Bakugou bristles until the other two men are headed back on their way.

When they're gone, Kirishima turns back and waves up at Ururaka. "Well, that was a close call! I figured it might have been a trick to get us to fail the assignment."

"Right," Ururaka answers, floating her way down. "That was some quick thinking back there! Pretending to be two teens in a romantic relationship would make sense for the context of a chocolate shop."

"Hah, yeah," Kirishima answers, rubbing the back of his head. "Just playing to my strengths, you know."

"Strengths? What, like acting?" Ururaka asks, but before she can question further, Yaoyoruzu is speaking into the comms.

"The tapping device has been attached without the suspect's notice. Mission complete," she says.

"Wow, great job, guys!" Ururaka crows, jumping in the air and pulling the two of them into a hug.

"Ugh, gross," Bakugou whines, but lets it happen regardless.

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