iida tenya

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The first weekend after the break approaches, and class 1-A is buzzing with excitement as Iida gathers them around for a "critical announcement".

"Everyone!" he shouts in a commanding voice, arms waving back and forth. "I have received Mr. Aizawa's explicit permission to take you all out on a class bonding outing tomorrow. We will be going down to the Lunar New Year festival taking place this week. Unless you have prior appointments, I encourage you all to join us as it will be a great opportunity to learn about your fellow classmates!"

Everybody seems fairly on board with the idea and they clump together in groups to discuss whether what they should wear, bring or buy. Satisfied that most everybody will be attending, Iida moves to head up to his own room when Kirishima approaches him and pulls him aside.

"Hey, Iida," Kirishima starts, "Thanks for putting this all together."

"Of course! It is my duty as the Class Representative that I think of our spirits and teamwork," Iida answers.

"But," Kirishima continues. "I'm going to have to miss out."

Iida frowns, "Whatever for?"

Kirishima smiles at that and, rubbing the back of his neck answers sheepishly, "Ah, actually, I have a date! Uh, we might be in the area, though, so I'll try to say hi if I can."

"I see," Iida answers. "Well it can't be helped." With that, he goes on to hand out the permission forms to everybody that will be going.

By the end of the week, everybody except for Todoroki, who will be visiting his mother, Kirishima, who has explained his situation, and Bakugou, who had merely burned the permission slip to a crips and said "Fuck that shit, I don't need a team", has signed up to go on the trip. All in all, Iida is satisfied by the turnout as he ushers them all down the streets of the festival.

Small groups form as some people are drawn in by the lanterns and others follow the food and Iida looks on with a satisfied smile.

"Hey, Iida," Ururaka says, tugging on his arm. "Midoriya and I are going to go find the sugar blowing carts, want to come with us?" Iida follows along, feeling almost like a parent chaperone as he keeps Ururaka focused and pulls her back in whenever she is about to run off down a different path, distracted by the lights.

As they approach the sugar blowing stand, Iida recognizes two profiles that stand there watching a man turn candy into an ox before handing it to the red haired man who waits with his hand outstretched. "Look, Bakugou! The year of the ox!" Kirishima says with a smile.

"Oh, Bakugou and Kirishima!" Ururaka greets, running ahead. "I didn't know you guys were coming, too!"

"Hello! We were in the area and decided to stop by," Kirishima answers. Bakugou is too busy munching on the tail of the ox, still held up in Kirishima's hand.

"Hello, extras."

"Bakugou! That simply isn't kind to call your friends that," Iida scolds, frowning. "And you know you should have received a permission slip before leaving campus."

Bakugou shrugs, "Yeah, I did, four eyes. Ages ago, so shut up."

"O-oh. I see," Iida mumbles, taken aback.

"Don't sweat it," Kirishima speaks up, nudging Iida's shoulder. "Aizawa knows where we are."

"Of course, it was my fault for assuming the worst," Iida apologies. "Kirishima, how was your date?" Iida asks, "Did it end early?"

"Hmm?" Kirishima asks around a mouthful of candy. "Oh, no not at all! It's going great!"

Iida is about to inquire further about the puzzling tense when his voice is cut off by a loud booming in the sky. Fireworks erupt above and they all turn to watch as the sky is lit with celebrations of the new year.

The lights and colors are reflected on Kirishima's face, and to his side Iida hears Bakugou murmur, "Beautiful."

Looking up at the sky and seeing the shapes created in the air, Iida is inclined to agree. The fireworks are beautiful indeed.

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