shouji mezo

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Before they even know it, they're all back at the dorms after a restful break. Luckily, no major villain attacks have jarred them this time around, and friends greet each other happily after a long break.

"Kirishima, Bakugou," Shouji nods as they bump into each other on the elevator. "How was your break?"

"It was great! I missed you guys, though," Kirishima answers, bumping his shoulder up against Bakugou's. Bakugou only grunts, but it sounds friendly enough so Shouji nods and makes his way to his room.

Some of the others are still in the common room comparing new gifts or exchanging vacation stories, but Shouji himself is ready to get some rest after a long day. He settles himself in, stretching his arms behind his head and closes his eyes, ready to drift off when he's disturbed by some thumping next door.

Kirishima must be moving some furniture around, Shouji thinks, letting his eyes drift closed once more. Unfortunately, the thumping continues, followed by what he thinks might be a moan. At that, Shouji sits up, wondering if Kirishima needs some help if he's dropping things and injuring himself before their training even begins.

Tucking a pillow over his head and limbs, Shouji attempts to fall back asleep, almost there when he is jolted awake by a muffled shout of, "Fuck, K-Katsuki!"

At that, Shouji stands up and is ready to knock when his limbs alert him that it has fallen relatively silent again. Bakugou must have gone to help Kirishima, Shouji concludes, and with no more disruptions is able to sleep in peace.

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