Justice league wife - when he told you he a superhero 1

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You had yet to find out about your husbands secret before you got married to him, but he soon had to tell you the truth before you two become a married couple. He really didn't know how you will take he news when he told you, the whole truth of what he as doing.


You had arrived at Wayne manor one night after Bruce and called you saying something, had come up and he need to speak with you about something important. You soon walked into Wayne manor after Alfred and let you inside, but you had stated panic thinking, something bad was going on.

Y/n " Bruce" you had been told by Alfred to walk down the stone steps behind the clock and you will find Bruce, you didn't hide the secret room weird because Bruce did mention his manor did have a secret room but you didn't think it was like this. You soon and gotten to the bottom of the steps and started walking around the room when, you started seeing things you saw in the news criminal of the Batman.

Y/n " .......ahhh" you had turned around and soon ran into someone and you looked up to see Batman, you had gotten scared because he showed up at out nowhere. He soon held you in the saw way Bruce held you in his arms making you put one and one together.

Bruce " hello y/n" Bruce had taken off the Batman mask and looked at you, at first you stated laughing thinking som kinda of joke and before Bruce could say anything else you passed out in his arms. He called Alfred down while he laid you down on a medical bed. You soon and opened you eyes to see Bruce was still wearing the Batman outfit so it was not a dream he was Batman.

Y/n " so you are Batman"

Bruce " yes I decided to tell you now because we are getting married and I didn't want to keep this secret from you"

Y/n " so this will explain all the called off dates right"

Bruce " yes it will I could come to the date because the city was in danger"

Y/n " well that is better so how long have you been Batman"

Bruce " a long time my dear I'm sorry I'm tell you now"

Y/n " it okay dear I'm just happy you told me now but I have more questions"

Bruce " I will answer them for you"


You had just entered Clark apartment he had called you tell you to meet him at his place because, there was something he did to tell you. That first you thought something bad had come up ay his work or his family you she got off from work you rushed over to his place as quick as you could.

Y/n " Clark are you here"

Clark " I'm out on the balcony y/n"

Y/n " okay" you soon walk to the apartment balcony and saw Clark standing there, but when he turned around to face you he was wear the Superman outfit.

Y/n " wait you are ...."

Clark " yes I'm Superman"

Y/n " how could I not tell o have been your friend for many years I should of seen this ....."

Clark " no it my fault I had decided the keep secret from you because I was scared of telling you and how you will act"

Y/n " Clark honey I'm happy you told me now and hey I might not be to bad being married to Superman"

Clark " that why I love you now come on I'm taking you for a flight"

Y/n " oh I think I'm fine .... ahhh Clark" Clark soon picked you up bridal style and flew in the air with you, you and look down to see you are far away from the ground.

Clark " I will never drop you y/n"

Y/n " sure I heard ahhh before from you at school camping trip and you drop me remember"

Clark " well this time I will make sure to keep you safe"

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