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i told you guys previously this chapter will most likely be short but i'm in the mood to write a long-ass chapter so enjoy!!

and apologies if this chapter seems rushed because i can't wait for another drama on the next chapter🥰🥰





nina roberts never thought she would experience those emotions from the person she loved the most. not any single second she would think that the person she loved wanted to breakup with her with a nonsense reason.

flashback, few hours ago

"i'm sorry but i don't think this is working. we have to break up."

nini doesn't take it serious at first and laughs, "you're funny, next joke please."

"i'm not kidding."

"yeah sure, and i'm pregnant." she snorts

"nina, i'm serious."

nini could swear her heart dropped for a second when she heard that.

"what? why?"

"i told you this isn't working."


"i'm sorry nini, we're over."



nini gulped as she processed what just happened. she could feel the sweats coming out from her forehead and tears from her eyes.

what the hell did i do?

flashback ends

she was sitting on her bed while bringing up her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. her tears could be heard until where bertha and nancy were currently at, they quickly stormed inside nini's room.

gasps filled the room as the two maids sees how awful their boss looked. blanket and pillows are all over the floor, and tissues are spread around the bed.

"miss nina, oh my god!" nancy exclaims as she approaches her

"miss, what happened?" bertha asks worriedly

nini looks up to them and they gasps again seeing how puffy and red nini's eyes are, "c-can y-you h-hug me?"

nancy quickly embraces nini to her arms as nini cries on her shoulder while she strokes nini's hair softly.

bertha wanders around the room and pick up all of the blanket and pillows until she finds nini's phone which was covered under one of the pillows previously. she takes it and sees the recent call "my ride or die🥰". she was confused at first but then she sees the display picture, she knew something happened.

"what happened with mr. bowen?" bertha asks as she takes a seat beside nini

nini pulls away from nancy's arms and turns to face bertha, "b-break u-up."

nancy raises her eyebrows, "i thought you said you broke up with him already?"

nini glances at nancy with a look and she instantly realized it

"oh..." she breathes out, "did he tell you why?"

"h-he said we're not w-working, but i know that's bullshit." she sniffles, "d-don't tell mom and dad, please?"

bertha gives her a weak smile, "of course, we never told them about how mr. bowen used to sneak in here or how you used to sneak out to mr. bowen's from your window."

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